Seven Sisters

Goddesses of Creativity

  • Temple: Conjurers
  • Element: Air

The Seven Sisters were a mystical N’awlins family of identical master psychics and conjure women who never aged . . . but were they? Were the Seven Sisters one shapeshifting woman or seven? Time will never tell.

Seven Sisters’ Guidance

Create, create, create! You come from conjurers and creators. Your blood remembers. Use your gifts to multiply your magic. You are a cosmic creatrix and creative force.


You are a divine nation within one person. How creative do you allow yourself to be? Break out of your comfort zone and into your creative fertility. You have the power that creates planets, so yes, you are creative. No one else's opinion matters here.

Let your inner child play to awaken your creativity. Creating is birthing is manifesting.

Goddess Declaration

“I am a creative visionary.”

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Card Meanings

Temple 1: Threshold Guardians

Temple 2: Ancestors

Temple 3: Conjurers

Temple 4: Warriors

13. Oya
14. Atete
15. Sekhmet
16. Asase Yaa
17. Sitira

Temple 6: Lovers

Temple 7: Griots

Temple 9: High Priestesses