Seven Sisters
Goddesses of Creativity
The Seven Sisters were a mystical N’awlins family of identical master psychics and conjure women who never aged . . . but were they? Were the Seven Sisters one shapeshifting woman or seven? Time will never tell.
Seven Sisters’ Guidance
Create, create, create! You come from conjurers and creators. Your blood remembers. Use your gifts to multiply your magic. You are a cosmic creatrix and creative force.
You are a divine nation within one person. How creative do you allow yourself to be? Break out of your comfort zone and into your creative fertility. You have the power that creates planets, so yes, you are creative. No one else's opinion matters here.
Let your inner child play to awaken your creativity. Creating is birthing is manifesting.
Goddess Declaration
“I am a creative visionary.”
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Goddess Ritual Guide
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Card Meanings
Temple 1: Threshold Guardians
1. Nana Buluku
2. Mawu-Lisa
Temple 2: Ancestors
3. Sawtche
4. Tituba
5. Mbuya Nehanda
6. Sara la Kali
7. Marie Laveau
Temple 3: Conjurers
8. Ngame
9. Modjadji
10. Ma’at
11. Tanit
12. Seven Sisters
Temple 5: Shadows
18. Jumbie
19. Long Bubby Suzi
20. Aunt Nancy
21. Soucouyant
22. Gang Gang Sara
23. Medusa
24. Mamlambo
Temple 6: Lovers
25. Oshun
26. Qetesh
27. Erzulie Dantor
28. Mbokomu
29. Ala
Temple 7: Griots
30. Mami Wata
31. Yasigi
32. Mama Djombo
33. Mame Coumba Bang
34. Nunde
Temple 8: Queens
Temple 9: High Priestesses
40. Yemaya
41. iNkosazana
42. Ayizan
43. a-Bol-Nimba
44. Iset