Announcing the Pocket Version of the #1 African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck

Sawubona! Welcome to your African GoddessRising Oracle card deck.
“Sawubona” is a Zulu greeting meaning, “We see you.” You think you are here because you called on the goddesses but the goddesses called you. This deck is a covenant. You are now in the sacred goddess temple circle.
As a woman of African-Guyanese heritage, I grew up with intimate knowledge of many of the enchanted beings you will meet in this deck.
I come from generations of intuitives and healers, so channeling divine downloads is not new to me. But these oracle keepers were persistent!
They “dreamed me,” pursued me, and guided me through this co-creation. Then Spirit and I manifested Goddess Destiney Powell and her spell binding artwork, and this oracle deck bloomed.
You Manifested This...
These cards are divided into nine Temples or suits: Threshold Guardians, Ancestors, Conjurers, Warriors, Shadows, Lovers, Griots, Queens, and High Priestesses. They represent the nine divine inner temples you must face and integrate to awaken goddess energy within.
This oracle system reaches from the continent of Africa deep throughout her diaspora. Africa is made up of over 54 diverse countries.
This feminine energy deck includes deities, spirits, and ancestors not only from continental Africa, but also from diasporic countries and cultures with African retention, such as Haiti, Cuba, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica in the Caribbean, Guyana and Brazil in South America, the Garifuna communities of Central America, Louisiana and the Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor in the United States, and more.
The gold Adinkra symbol on the back of your cards is Hye Wo Nhye, which means “that which does not burn.” Adinkra is the sacred geometry and hieroglyphics of the Akan people of Ghana.
This deck will support you as a tool for divination, healing, awakening, and personal development. You may wish to delve deeper with the mystics in this deck in my book African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy. Rise up, beautiful one.
This is your time.


African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck Editions:

African Goddess Rising Pocket Oracle
L'oracle des Déesses Africaines
Oráculo da Deusas africanas
African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck

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