So excited to share this “Cooking With Love’ video recipe for vegans, vegetarians or anyone seeking something delish and good for you at the same time…

[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]es! I am a junkie for chick peas and hummus is one of my favorite snacks.

Back in 2010, I shared my mom’s curry channa aka chick pea recipe. In this video I share my own personal hummus recipe. I do buy Sabra brand hummus when I don’t make my own but there is something body loving, self-caring, self-nurturing and extra healthy for me about cooking for myself, so I try to do so whenever I can.

Abiola’s Famous Cairo to Harlem Hummus Recipe


  • 1 can Chickpeas AKA Garbanzo Beans or Channa

  • 1 Garlic Clove

  • Juice from 1 Lemon

  • 1/4 cup Tahini Paste

  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil

  • Salt to taste

  • Water as needed



1. Put Chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, tahini, water, olive oil in a food processor or mortar & pestle.

2. Grind until smooth.

3. Thin with water as needed.

4. Add salt and lemon juice as needed.

Thanks to Producer-Director-Editor Kristal Mosley of iCreateTV for production and DP Patrick Reis.

Your Life Coach Abiola



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