When you’re trying to manifest greatness and humanity lets you down… Let’s talk about how to stay positive when it feels like the world is falling apart. We manifest from being in the high vibration that matches the things we want to give birth to.
Recently, I did a video on “how to raise your vibration.” Today’s Goddess Temple Sunday video is about staying positive during hard times in human nature.
::::Join me weekly for Goddess Temple Sunday live at 10am EST weekly on Facebook and Instagram @abiolaTV.
::::Do you want to come manifest miracles in a fairytale castle in France? You are worth it. You are only a plane ticket away. Visit GoddessOfParis.com for more information.
Watch the Video!
How to Stay Positive When the World is Falling Apart
Law of Attraction Challenge – Manifesting March Day 14 of 28. Jump in!
How to Stay Positive in a Negative World
- Feel your feelings. No numbing or avoiding your feelings.
- Take a break from the news. Try a social media or media blackout. Block or mute any negative people, both online and in real life.
- Inundate yourself with positivity. Inoculate against the negative with good people, media, podcasts and events— like Abiola’s Goddess Pray Love Retreats.
- Make a difference. Tweet about causes you care about. Sign a petition or start a petition. Run for office. Volunteer. Donate. Take part in what’s going on so you don’t feel so helpless.
- Begin a mindfulness practice. Yoga, meditation, or breathwork. Plus, create self-care rituals including healthy food, sleep, and happiness.
Watch the video above… and come let me know what you think in the Facebook Goddess Group.
How to Manifest What You Want!
Each day in the law of attraction challenge is a WOMANIFESTING STEP.
Are you following along?
Law of Attraction Challenge & Steps
- Day 0: What is the Law of Attraction?
- Day 1: What Do You Want?
- Day 2: Why Do You Want It?
- Day 3: How Do You Want to Feel?
- Day 4: Ask For Your Miracle.
- Day 5: Release Attachment to Outcome
- Day 6: Decluttering and the Law of Attraction
- Day 7: Pay It Forward
- Day 8: Identify Blocks and Limiting Beliefs
- Day 9: Face Your Inner Bully
- Day 10: Manifesting Meditation Visualization
- Day 11: Imagine Tell Someone About Your Imagination
- Day 12: Mirror Technique and the Law of Attraction
- Day 13: Self-Love and Manifesting
- Day 14: How to Stay Positive No Matter What
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