Summer may be short but it’s hot! In between indulging in your fun summer dalliances make time to check out my newest advice columns. On my ESSENCE Intimacy Intervention column I advise a newlywed whose husband does not want to be intimate with her. On my Mommy Noire Love Class I am talking about spiritual partnerships and soulmates.
Grab the July issue of Essence Magazine on newsstands right now and watch the advice video BELOW
“Summer lovin’ happened so fast…”
Of course that classic tune is from the movie “Grease.”
ESSENCE Magazine wants to indulge your summer love so their savvy Relationships Editors, Charreah Jackson and Charli Penn assembled a team of African American relationship experts. Charreah conceived of the idea and teamed up with Charli, my Intimacy Intervention column editor, to make the magic happen. We were invited to share our steamy summer love stories for the magazine. Then the goddesses assembled us on Google+ for a fun and informative hangout where we answered reader questions and shared advice and tips on how to make this your sexiest summer ever.
Are we friends on Google+? Be sure to watch the video below and then after the jump you can read my story of fun summer love as it appears in the current issue of the magazine. Featured love experts included Twanna Hines, Lamar Tyler, Monique Kelly and me.
We discussed topics from how to flirt using body language to embracing your desires to pleasure products to finding men. If you can’t see the advice video below click here.
It was a steamy summerish spring day in Gotham.
We were at a Mediterranean bistro. He was the proverbial tall, bronze and handsome but there was much, much more. His amorous confessions and generous smile made me a giggling and giddy, puddly mess.
He leaned in, inquisitive and curious. It was our 3rd or 4th date but we hadn’t kissed yet. “I’m not sure you’re into me,” he said. I was totally and completely into him.
Confession: I was once called a “sex blogging prude.” My work as a coach and columnist is all about empowering women around all aspects of passion. People get it twisted, assuming that I’m an advocate of hookups and one night stands. On the contrary. I am an advocate of women feeling empowered enough to realize that yes, we are the diamond prize.
The dessert was eaten, the wine glasses empty and we reluctantly pushed into the flashstorm and splashed puddles all the way to the subway. The huge raindrops hung hot in the air. Then as wind swooped in, trying to chill our ardor, scorching drops hit raincoat covered skins. Mother Nature pushed and pulled. Monsoon winds envious of our growing affection mugged him for the umbrella and tried to snatch us down the street. We laughed, mouths open catching water and feelings.
Then it happened. He pulled me in, no longer polite and waiting. He kissed and kissed and kissed me, making a woman in her 30s sixteen-years-old again. The first desperate and delicious taste of a mouth that tasted of Moroccan spices, Merlot and May. That kiss and his fogging glasses.
I melted as he watched me pull away on the train and our hearts pulled closer together.
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