Current mood: indescribable

hey loves,

so i was interrogated, er, um, interviewed by filmmaker tambay obenson on his podcast/online show. just kidding! for me it is critical to always support what i like to call the people’s media, so here are the links so that you can listen in…. all power to the people most def and i hope he continues to do his thang… enjoy the convo…. it was also very cool pow wowing with the ab fab artist extraordinairre (sp?) numa perrier ( and wonderful designer/filmmaker miss shirley bruno (

here’s a link to a playback of just my portion of the hour: 30 ish mins.
If you want the actual MP3 file to upload elsewhere you can download it from here:


Thank you so much for sending me so many positive emails about the interview. Glad that you like the best shorts— it is your show, and we will continue to work on making it the best showcase of your stories there is!!

… FYI I was prompted after the interview based on Tambay’s feedback to add:
I am glad that the talented tenth comment is inspriring ire. It absolutely should. I don’t know what the percentages are but I am extremely concerned about a large part of our community being left behind. Hiding things in pretty or acceptable language shrouds that truth. Talented tenth is an ugly term, but what is uglier is that many young people in our community have told me that getting locked up is a right of passage. I could go on, but I will save it for a future conversation. If each person who is offended then looks to see what young people they can offer opportunities or inspire in some way to have more confidence, belief in themselves so that we have a talented one hundredth, then my work is done.

Currently listening :
Nina: The Essential Nina Simone
By Nina Simone
Release date: 12 May, 2003