The heart chakra is the center that connects the higher and lower chakras. The heart is the seat of love – familial, agape and romantic love. According to the Heartmath Institute, the heart is more powerful than the brain making the heart akin to the brain – as a brain in its own right.

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How to Manifest Love & Open Your Heart Chakra

[YouTube Video Link]


Happy New Moon! 

This new moon combined with eclipse energy has me clean​​ing everything from my home to my love life as I get ready for the Goddess of Paris Retreat!

Are YOU harnessing this energy?

​​Eclipse is defined as ” an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination.

Too often we are obscuring the light between ourselves and the love we deserve. 

Summer is known as the season of love — but of course, you are worthy and deserving of love year-round! If your heart chakra is closed to love, then you might not believe that to be true.

It’s time to open your heart to romantic love.

Be sure to follow up with how to open your root chakra, sacral chakra and throat chakra now.