Current mood: giddy

This weekend, I had an absolutely amazing time at the 5th Annual Hip Hop Odyssey Film Awards. I was there as a presenter, and also to interview folks for my show. We were in a house of hip hop legends from Roxanne Shante, Ice T, Abiodun Oyewole, Fab Five Freddy and the Yo MTV Raps Crew, Jamal Joseph, Ralph McDaniels, Grand Wizard Theodore, Chubb Rock, The Cold Crush Brothers, and much much more.

The night began with a necessary and moving tribute to pioneers in strength Iris Morales and Kathleen Cleaver (hey joju!). Other divas in attendance were the fabulous Chica Luna women (Elisha Miranda, Black Artemis & Sonia Gonzalez), Michaela Angela Davis, Beverly Bond, Tracey from the Jazzyfatnastees, La Bruja, Pebbly Poo, Cindy Campbell, and more.

I know everyone focuses on Sundance, Toronto, Cannes & Tribeca, but this was a festival not to be missed. I was so proud of Martha Diaz, the creator of the fest and Hip Hop Association and her co-horts, Rolando Brown, Mona, and the rest of their team. This is the largest hip hop film fest in the world.

I attended 2 other panels – one about filmmakers and digital distribution and the other on women in hip hop. The latter really needed to be an all day symposium. Unfortunately, just as we were getting into the meat of the discussion, it was over. The women on the panel were steadfast and powerful about changing the world each in their own small corner. In other words, to clean up the block, let’s all clean in front of our homes. The best part of the day/week, year for me though was Ms. Roxanne Shante saying that she watches and DVRs my show!!! YAY—as I said on stage at the awards @ BB Kings, ok, Shante watches, do you? :- )

I presented Best Short Film Award to Dominga Martin. She gave a great speech about her mother’s activism and the impact of hip hop in her life.

I loved my little speech that I made. I was getting nervous before because backstage was a madhouse. Things were changing by the second. Then, I relaxed and said, ok, were playing jazz. Ah, we’re playing hip hop. And it was all good. I broke down my proverb that I end every show with. Maybe a clip will be posted on because a few people have already emailed me for a copy of the remarks!

Paul Mooney- the host– and I had a FUN FUN FUN exchange which you will see on an upcoming episode of The Best Shorts. How cool is that?

Oh– and ya never know where inspiration might come from– I was amused, entertained and inspired by Ice T’s speech, a first for me. Trust…


Currently listening :
Roxanne Shante’s Greatest Hits
By Roxanne Shante
Release date: 12 September, 1995