at least the one i am watching is…

i am watching tlc’s new fangled miss america 08.

they are presenting a new style pageant / reality show that involves denim, dramatic eliminations and flatter hair with the purposes of being new it girls. i dig it!! i am a very live and let live kinda girl. however, they still present the swimsuit portion as for “health and fitness purposes.” balderdash and hilarious! if we wanna see how they look and what’s going on with their boodies, why aren’t we honest?

anyway– the changes in the pageant are good although some things are annoying like the new swimsuit show that involved a modeling segment that looked like ed mc mann’s star search modelling competition from back in the days. in addition, the music was AWFUL. they were walking the runway to the tune the cow died on, as my mom would say. the dj on stage was making scratching motions when the music was static. the bleachers on stage were also a hot mess. now you gotta keep fake smiling when you wanna be bawling into your evening gown for losing!

miss america is truly a scholarship completion though, so i do give props where props are due. confession – i am a failed miss america contestant from college in the 1990s. i won the interview category and was runner up for talent for miss new york city in the miss american pageant competition, so there you go. i did win miss black world, i think it was, (miss black world 123 street my friends called it!) and miss guyana collegiate and miss caribbean usa.

go giants! and work it women!

we are all winners…
call me next year to judge– i’m down.