Why you should vote for a Democrat

Americans have a choice between staying the course and a new direction for our country. After six years of Republican leadership, some Americans may be considering doing something they haven’t done in a long time. Vote for a Democrat. If you vote for a Democrat on Tuesday, we will honor the trust you put in us with a new direction for America. Isn’t it time for a new direction in Iraq?


Sixteen intelligence agencies agree that the Bush administration’s failed Iraq policy is increasing terrorism around the world. Our troops have become occupiers caught in a civil war. Democrats are united behind a strategy of phased redeployment and benchmarks that make it clear to the Iraqis that they must take responsibility for the future of their country.

Isn’t it time for a new direction in fighting the war on terror?

The harmful policies of the GOP have failed hard-working Americans. Republicans have waged a war on the family. The Bush economy has failed 80% of Americans, benefiting only the top 1%. For most Americans, wages and incomes have slowed; health care costs and personal debt have increased. Home mortgage foreclosures are up; college tuition has skyrocketed.

Isn’t it time for responsible, competent leadership and an end to the politics of deficits, divisiveness and deceit?

Howard Dean is chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

(Illustration by Web Bryant, USA TODAY)