How to make your own chemical-free herbal remedies to care for your hair.

Passionista Principle: “A hair in the head is better than two in the brush.” Oliver Herford, American Writer and Satirist.

Hey Rockstars,

The pic of me is from happier hair days. My hair is a mess right now and I’m contemplating shaving it and starting from scratch! Either way, I have two new tools in my haircare arsenal. I have Beverly Johnson‘s new multi-cultural hair care product line PLUS these natural hair care remedies that will work no matter your hair texture, chemical state or exact ethnicity.

By the way, the video diary below is my sister Damali sharing the products like Indian Hemp that she uses in her hair.

Abiola's Signature

Hair Care Recipes

Hair breakage is just one of the problems that figures in our hair care regime. Dandruff, dry or oily hair, itchy scalp, tangled hair, split ends… the list of potential issues is endless. Experts suggest that these hair problems are the symptoms of an unhealthy living caused due to factors like destructive habit of using harmful and toxic products on hair, incorrect use of brushes, combs, blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons plus inadequate nutrition, genetic changes like human growth hormone deficiency and too much exposure to the harmful rays of the sun, dust and pollution.

We also abuse our tresses by exposing them to harmful chemicals including those used in relaxers, texturizers, shampoos, tonics and hair colors. The hair loses elasticity when it is curled or chemically straightened as they contain toxins that strip the hair of all its natural moisture. It either becomes dull and lifeless or limp due to excessive oil secretion.

And there are no sure shot remedies to guide us on the path to the perfect hair care regime. The reason behind not all remedies working for an individual is that every person is different. The cause and effect is unique from person to person. What one comes across is a general guideline on protecting and preventing your mane from falling victim to vicious hair problems.

It is time to move on and try a few time tested remedies that have worked for people, with general consensus.

Herbal Remedies For Hair Care

Abiola Abrams in Harlem, Natural HairNature inspired remedies work wonders on the overall health of people. Unlike chemical based products that are created artificially, herbal based products make use of the flora and fauna found in abundance. Herbs like sage, basil, calendula, lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, aloe vera, fenugreek, jojoba, nettle, rosemary, henna, horsetail, thyme, lemon, lemongrass, water cress, parsley leaf, burdock root, oregano, peppermint, olive and marshmallow root are known to provide the essential oils and by products used within hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, tonics, oil treatments, rinses and pastes.

We list a few home remedies that will bring about a difference in the health of your hair:

For Dandruff

Dandruff (in part) is due to an ill-nourished scalp. The nutrition deficiency causes the scalp to become dry and flaky.

Me, rocking a weaveJojoba oil is one essential oil that works as an all purpose remedy. Simply mix 2 tbsp of jojoba oil to a ¼ tsp of tea tree oil. Wet your hair and apply the mixture. Wash it off with an herbal shampoo after 20 minutes. You can also use lime juice to control dandruff. Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice with any oil (coconut oil or olive oil preferred). Add 1 tsp of honey, for additional benefits. Massage into hair. Wash off after 30 minutes for dandruff free and shiny hair.

For Breaking Hair Breakage

Hair breakage is the biggest concern for people. It follows a vicious cycle. Hair fallout causes us to worry which further causes our hair to fall out, then more stress and more hair breakage. It goes on.

Herbs that help arrest hair falling out are basil, nettle, sage and rosemary. Create a rinse by infusing the herbs (any one or a combination) with 2 to 3 tbsp of boiling water. Keep aside the infused herbal water for few hours. Strain and use as a rinse.

Another popular method to stop hair breakage is by soaking fenugreek seed overnight and applying its paste on the scalp the next day. Wash it off after 20 -30 minutes. This technique is also useful for treating dandruff.

For Dry Hair

People who have dry hair (like me) find that their hair becomes more brittle and frizzy during winter. This kind of hair can be soft or rough and needs lots of moisture to seep in the root tips. Hence for such hair oil massages work very well.

The herbs useful for dry hair are aloe vera, chamomile, sage, sandalwood, ylang ylang, lavender, geranium, cedar wood, rosemary, orange and jasmine. These can be infused in oils to provide optimum nourishment. Create your own massage oil by infusing any one or combination of herbs.

Take 8 oz of olive, coconut, jojoba or any other carrier oil and mix 3 – 5 tbsp of dried herbs of your choice. Leave it in a dark colored bottle for 5-6 weeks. Shake the bottle daily so that all ingredients come together. You can store this oil even for a year in a cool and dark place.

Another method could be mixing 2 ounces each of aloe vera gel and castor oil, olive oil or sesame oil with 6 drops each of rosemary, cedar/sandalwood, rose and geranium essential oils. Apply this oil on the scalp by parting hair in small sections, massaging the oil into the scalp and rinsing off with an herbal based shampoo after 2-3 hours.

For Oily Hair

Oily hair is greasy to touch. It is especially problematic during summers as the scalp secrets oil in excess. Such hair attracts more dust and grime making it prone to hair breakage and dandruff, if not washed properly.

The herbs that work on oily hair are lavender, geranium, cedar wood, bergamot, thyme, ylang ylang, chamomile, cypress, sage, juniper, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint, orange, tea tree, rosemary and eucalyptus. Create an herbal shampoo comprising of lavender and chamomile for squeaky clean hair. In 2 ounces of unscented shampoo, add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 2 drops of chamomile essential oil. Shake the bottle vigorously and use at least twice a week or as you deem appropriate.

For Damaged Hair

Natural Textured African American HairHair is damaged due to overexposure to sun, chemical treatments, excessive brushing/combing, over shampooing or nutrition deficiencies. Such hair is dry brittle and breaks off easily. Damaged hair requires sustained treatments for optimum results. They require a regime of oil massages, hair packs, rinsing with nutrition infusing tonics, shampoos and deep conditioning. The herbs that are helpful in healing damaged hair are calendula, lavender, chamomile, rosemary, grape seed oil, elder flowers, horsetail, nettle, parsley leaf, marshmallow root and burdock root.

Begin by creating your own hair massage oil. Mix 2 – 3 drops each of chamomile and rosemary oil with 250 ml sweet almond oil. Wet your hair with hot water, and massage the oil on semi wet hair after warming it over low heat for a few minutes. Cover the hair with shower cap/plastic bag and rinse with shampoo after 30 minutes.

Hair packs lock in the moisture of the hair and are therefore very useful in treating damaged hair. Create your own mask by mixing 5 tbsp of olive oil with either 2 eggs or 2 tbsp honey. Apply it on hair. Remember not to rub in the mask as it is very sticky. Rinse with a herbal shampoo after 15 -20 minutes.

Damaged hair requires deep conditioning to lend it strength and healthy shine. Create your conditioner with the help of lavender essential oils combined with eggs, lemon juice and honey. Beat an egg, 1 tbsp honey and 2 tsp lemon juicy placed over a warm double boiler. Beat until the mixture becomes creamy and stays warm. After it is cooled, add 70 ml safflower oil and 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil. Whisk till the ingredients come together. This mixture should be warmed before application on hair 15 minutes before applying the shampoo.

A luxuriant crowning glory has to be worked at. By applying chemical products and following unhealthy lifestyle we are doing our own hair no good. A combination of eating healthy and herbal remedies will ensure that your tresses are a cause of pride and not concern.

Thanks Montux for the great post! The author likes to blog on topics that stress on healthy and natural living. She has written articles on Hair Care, Skin Care, HGH and Yoga.

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