My New Year’s Intentions – Love, Courage, Authenticity

In the past I have been big on setting New Year’s Resolutions
Abiola, Super Hero, or is that Heroine? ;-)I’ve discussed my New (F)ears Resolutions; and last year I even made a fun and empowering How to: 10 Sexy New Year’s Resolutions. Yeah, baby.

This year I am taking a different approach. I still have many goals plus my beach bucket list and goddess year– and I’ll share that in another post. But this year I am setting New Year’s Intentions instead of resoutions. As my guru Dr. Wayne Dyer says, there is power in intention.

My New Year’s Intentions for 2011 are Love, Courage and Authenticity. 
What does that mean?
That means that this year, every interation I have with others, and in every interaction I have with my self I have only three goals and three questions for myself.
Am I coming from a place of Love? Am I coming from a place of Courage; and am I attempting to live in a space of personal Authenticity, which means being real to my emotions and my feelings. 
Love, Courage, Authenticity. I acknowledge that this won’t be easy and I accept that. I will crash, burn, fall on my face and fail. Whooo Hooo. I can’t wait. This is the good stuff. Getting our manicured fingernails dirty and being beautifully human.
It is January 1, 2011, 1/1/11. I am thrilled about this year. 
In addition, the new year for me is not only a time of setting intentions, but also basking in gratitude. As my twitter buddies know, every night I invite a Gratitude Orgy or “GratOrgy” where we bask in what we are grateful for this day. I am just sharing publicly a private practice that I do nightly. Gratitude is central in my life.
It’s important as we think about our goals, resolutions, intentions for the New Year to also think of all of the things we accomplished in the bygone year.
So what’s our takeaway?
1) Consider New Year’s Intentions rather than resolutions.
2) What are you grateful for right now? What are you proud of accomplishing in the past year?
Do I want to be healthier, lose weight, finish my next book, make more money and accomplish my business goals? Of course! But all is well right now, and for this I am so grateful.
Cheers, dollface. Here’s to love, courage, authenticity and abundance in 2011.  Whoooooo!!! That is the international sound of people having FUN. And so it is.
Happy New Year, Rockstar.
And you should definitely check out 10 Sexy New Year’s Resolutions and New Fears Resolutions.