“Two people both equal like I’m Gemini!” Jumping June is in full effect. What’s your sign? Our astrological goddess and zodiac conjure woman GREAR IS beautifully BRILLIANT.
As usual, we’ve left in all of the wonderful grammatically magical Grear-isms so that you can catch the yummy meaning of her unique way of communicating astrology. Her fab opinions are all her own. Thanks so much to our darling and daring readers who LOVE the Lady Grear’s shockingly accurate horoscopes as much as we do!
Stay tuned for Grear’s follow up love letter to her favorite Gemini – and ours – Ms. Lauryn Hill. And many MANY thanks for Miss Tigri’s delicious artwork which is featured in this post. Visit her site to purchase. The video is from Nadiya Shah. -aa
Mars in the first. OK, when we know the aspects… e.g.: OK, take a wrist watch, preferably one you can wind up. Click it around, see? Where it sits, when it sits, where it’s stationed, it’s that time at that time. Get it?
Now, the god-of-war, the red planet Mars is in the first position (house), next month, he’ll move on elsewhere—to a new house the following month for you. He’s swift—stay moving!
*Lauryn Hill’s self-moniker “Moving Target” suddenly comes to mind.
But while he’s in yours—maximize this active fiery energy to your advantage. No, not beefin’ and barkin’—Mars energy at its lowest vibration. Now, you can also be met with said surly fire—even when you’re chillin’.
Here’s how to get out of the line of fire. Control it. Seize it. Don’t let it control and seize you. Workout. Take a self-defense class. Channel this energy physically, in a constructive way, versus arguing. ‘Cause you’ll certainly feel much more assertive—& or feel more assertive types trying to bend you to their will.
Be sure to make the confrontation make sense. Don’t beef for beef’s sake. Trivial and toxic!
Value peace and sanity no matter the shows the sun and Mars are doing in that 1st house. OK? Cool.
Think futuristically. Make sure all important papers are signed and organized before the 18th or wait to do ‘em at the end of July. Co-worker love is shown; doesn’t necessarily have to be romantically, but sincere affinity is shown there for this month of June. Stand to make a few cute coins with a Taurus and or Libra too. Be alert.
Friends and or friendly fun in abundance shown—enjoy, but don’t hold on tight, next month the gay energy could wane. No harm no foul, just wane. Have fun now! Around the 28th enjoy sibling company and neighbors; especially that cute one—it could “go down”, again, be alert. It’s best to take a short trip to “do it.” Just cause they’re a neighbor doesn’t mean it has to happen there in the neighborhood. Smiles…
- Take notice to puppies, dogs, connect with them if you can. Study “Anubis.” Disclaimer: Astro Columns are for your Entertainment Only. Don’t charge Mama G. for nada! All in all, Happy B*Earth Day Gemini! Be that truly good “Gem-in-I” we all know you are!
Jupiter is about to enter your waters. Water doesn’t mind expanding. I think you’ll welcome him wonderfully. Yep, he’ll soon be leaving the twins. When I spoke to a II friend and well-respected astrologer in his own right, he expressed that he couldn’t wait for Jupiter to leave his sun sign. I was taken aback. “Really?” I responded. He went on to offer the analogy of “…it’s like having on a pair of fly shoes but they hurt your feet. Jupiter is too biG to be stationed in Gemini.”
His share kinda recalculated how I view the biG chubby expansive benefic planet. Jup, I love you.
Love all of y’all. <3
Okay, back to Cancer, yes, get ready, cause either you’ll feel very lucky or very lazy. Jupiter’s influence is as such. He visits each sun sign once every twelve years. He’ll take you out to lunch or OUT TO LAUNCH. You choose ‘the destination’ according to your actions, thoughts and deeds. Be self-aware like no other.
You could crave or craze sweets like nobody’s business. Be mindful of weight gain. Also, could run into a lot of Sagittarians or Pisceans during your Jup’terian phase. Mars in your 12th? The Piscean run-ins could manifest as beef or hot sex…or both! Again “self-knowing”, key! If you feel undervalued or under-appreciated this month, get from under them! Bounce!
Shroud in serenity. Visit sacred places. It may not be as expensive as you think—research places online, near your area. Meditate. Be grateful for what you do have, don’t focus on what you don’t. Learn from your mate, suspend trying to get them to learn from you this month. You are already intuitive, so this thirty day study should only heighten what you already know about them. “8” & “81” are key #s for the Cancer sun sign this month.
You know how it’s stressed to believe in a power higher than our own. Well, this month you are advised to believe in a dream that’s not yours. Be it a higher or lower one, be it or…just make it not one of your own. ‘Especially facilitating the dream of a child. See how “Vision Carrier” is defined at www.visioncarriers.com
Money could return from the past or a past comrade. These thing$ tend to happen when you’re not thinking about it, though.
- There could be a few folks holding the “proverbial mirror” up to you. Now, we all know that Leo rules royalty. Or, royalty is ruled by Leo. Hence, no Leo will sit well with such “a mirror” or the person holding it. A Leo been done cracked it—over their head! Lol…
No, but seriously, be patient with them. The cosmos [this month] dictate such a showing, of who? You! When tense, breathe. Be humble yet honest. With them, yes—and we know you will. But also be honest with yourself. Wow, the “Moose” card came up for you, Leo. Self Esteem. An excerpt: “Moose… Help me to honor the gifts I can give, And recognize my worthiness long as I live.” ~MC
I got goose bumps…cause I pull the monthly card for each sun sign after I pen its passage. Again, Wow! Okay, if you’re the lion that feels that your esteem is on TEN, then help somebody with their’s. Like Sevan said in his book The Code, paraphrasing: “…if you were strong did you defend the weak?”
An older man is shown…a powerfully wise one. The #11 is also shown. Don’t ignore polarities or Gemini’s this month—if you can help it. In closing… Sustain Self-Love, you lovely Lion. <3
Family. Family. Family.
Yes, family is the focus. Even the ones you may no longer communicate with. Focus on them in an analytical yet positive way—as positive as you can muster. As an exercise write down the pro’s and cons of each one in a journal. Make it an honest list. Include yourself—if we’re not familiar with our own attributes then how can we really be familiar with anyone else’s? Notice how close “familiar” sounds to “family?” No, won’t do the etymology thing right now.
- Search your family tree. These family-findings will host great growth for you, spiritually. You don’t necessarily have to share what you found—just use the advance knowing to know better and heal completely. To know them is to know yourself. DNA don’t lie.
Such a study could also come as a much needed distraction—a constructive one. Idle time could spawn you being at odds with others or self or both. Be weary of lawyers and or legal matters especially during the Mercury Retrograde phase: 6/18 to 7/26.
There was a hit song out “Don’t Worry. Be Happy.” Yes, that. Do exactly that. Be that. Don’t give in to worry and anxiety—it could really send you over the edge if you do. Listen to the song. Get an oil burner and burn some Lavender essential oil in the home—watch it, make sure it’s set up safely. Once your center is composed and clarity is restored, handle those legal affairs, do so before the 18th; or I strongly advised re-visiting the case [if it’s possible] at the end of July. Buy no big ticket items during said time frame.
Foreign matters or foreign interests are shown. A Sag at work has their sights on you, not clear if it’s in the negative or positive scope. Either way, be well informed.
Work could expand, period. Use this wide window of prominent opportunity wisely. More advice, especially to Libras born in the Year of the Monkey:
Watch the “Spank your Monkey” video. (disclaimer: If you are already into astro-logic, then content in recommended video shouldn’t offend)
When in conflict, negotiations, hold your own, yes, but don’t hold theirs’ too. When they lay their proverbial swords down—leave them there. Carry your own and make a clean exit. And don’t brag about the victory. Remember what the “Art of War” book states about this? Yes, page 5.
Scorpio rules the 8th house. Yours is the house of join finances, other people’s money, grants, inheritances. It is shown you can gobble up such goodies at such time: June 2013. If you are alert. Don’t miss the window. Look up those “unclaimed funds” sites. Tell fam to do the same, remember “inheritances”, also a Scorp entity.
I’m currently reading Prodigy’s memoir. Prodigy is one half of the rap group Mobb Deep. Very good book—I’m enthralled, that’s for sure. When I was looking at Scorpio’s aspects for June 2013, something Prodigy wrote [in said tome] instantly came to mind:
“In life, you have a small window to take advantage of opportunities, and if you’re slow to move, the window will close.” ~pg. 206
Be aware. Be proactive. Be Present! Prodigy if you’re reading this, for years I thought you were a Gemini. I can look it up thanks to the generous share you included in your book…it has to be your moon or on your ascendant? I’ll find soon out. Thanks for such a brave share. Whoa!
Back to you other Stingers. Don’t entertain desperate tactics—Scorpios don’t do that well, no how. Like I said, just show up. I think it was Woody Allen that said something along the lines of “Ninety percent of success is just showing up.”
- And may I add or advise: Sacrifice something…something you like. If you didn’t like it or like doing it, now it wouldn’t really be deemed a sacrifice. Make it a worthy sacrifice, though. You like it or like doing it yet it really no longer serves you. Spiritually or materially de-clutter to allow room for the new. Be it new dough, new whatever. J
Oh, a Libra and or Libra matters (law/legal/balance), also shown.
The first half of this month is all about love for you. If you’re not already in love it’s highly probably you will be—especially if you place yourself in settings where you can meet someone special. I’d even consider dating services. Ignore that silly stigma. ‘Just choose class—implore that razor sharp perception y’all got.
If you are already in love—it’ll feel like love made anew. With all the weddings in the air this month—harness some of that loving energy to use in your pursuit.
Honor the moment—try not to let your mind run amuck. Be present. An Aquarius sun or someone with the water bearer on the ascendant may interest you or you them. Either way, enjoy.
- While you’re fancying the “lets give love a new try” movement, also take care of all paperwork before the 18th. Be proactive so the de$ire can ACTIVATE. If ya know what I mean? 😉 Honor mom and or embrace maternal energy with reverence. Make three wishes. Go!
Most Capricorns tend to keep the same friends from like way back. Yet you might feel the urge to cut one of them off this month. Ruminate on it (if you haven’t done so already) for a spell. Don’t cut off what may be hard to paste back. Sabbaticals are not only safe but sane. Just take a break till the whole matter reads clearer. And not with them trying to explain it for you, probably what annoyed you about them in the first place. You do the thinking—alone; don’t even entertain the opinions of others here. Figure it out on your own—a more satisfying result could manifest this way.
Set new goals. Aim high yet realistic. Most earth signs are that way anyway.
Hug the now—but so you know, an old flame may resurface. I tell ya like this, they’ll sure be a nice distraction from the annoying friend you want relief from. *chuckles* An aggressive yet spiritual or religious person is shown.
May feel darn near violent surges of creativity—that, or violent surges of horniness; or…yep, you guessed it—both! Just the principle of Ma’at.
All in all, proceed prudently. If there’s time, Mars is so swift! Again, fertile ground to sprout all that your thoughts were at the time of conception. Again, prudence!
If you wanna start a new business, do so before the Retrograde on the 18th, and a New Moon is always best to start anew. Even a new hair do. Be conscious of when the New Moon is.
There could be a new love interest at work—may show up in or around the 28th. If they are a Virgo—the synergy could be extremely difficult, you two temperaments are soooo different…hey, look, just be on notice. If you can? ‘Cause the workload could pick up tremendously. If the budget permits, yeah, you might need an assistant. If you hire a Virgo, try to make sure they’re not “the one.” Lol… Hire someone where there’s absolutely no romantic attraction.
Next month you have not one but TWO FULL MOONS in Aquarius. Hun, if I were you I’d start preppin’ NOW for what I want to come to full fruity FULLNESS by next month. You got two grand opportunities (in July) bust that water.
What did Malcolm X say? Paraphrasing, “Tomorrow is promised to those that prepare for it Today.” If I were you, I’d get to fasting, cleaning out…notice I said “cleaning out” versus cleaning up. Make room for new, clear out the old or the former that no longer serves you.
Also, I recommend when the moon is in your sun sign take the cell salt for your opposite sign. For you that would be “Leo.” Their cell salt is Mag Phos. Do the research, you’ll see what I mean.
Leo, if you’re reading this, same deal. When the moon is in Leo, take Aquarius’ cell salt: Nat Mur. Ordinarily the Otter energy is the Aquarian feminine energy. Model, Draya and singer Monifah comes to mind here.
But, ma, this month—don’t do it! If she’s not coming wit’ that Otter energy too—leave her side quickly! If you don’t an EXPOSION could assault every sense of your being. And it’ll be totally unwarranted. I can’t stress this enough ordinarily, but especially this month of June, STEER CLEAR OF TOXIC BITCHES!
If unclear about Otter energy, see the blog I wrote for the concert review “A Sisterhood Experience.”
“816” is your # this month.
Watch, if desired, Angela Bassett’s and Madonna’s interviews. Something therein may jump out at you as much-needed data.
It’s hot, I know. But if your A.C. is functioning fine and or great fan—cool ventilation system, you may find working from home to be fruitful this June.
You, as well, can document your family tree. Interview your parents. Let them have the floor, listen intently. Tape it. ‘Jottin’ down notes may distract them, their organic flow.
Remember, forgiveness liberates you. Some kind of strong message of note will be sent your way. It could come via the “little birdie” method and or a male in uniform: Fed Ex, UPS, etc.
- Study the content with laser-like scrutiny. Remember the retrograde that’s coming up—retrogrades can make matters sketchy, forcing a re-do. Not always fun.
Timing impeccable this month. But get this? Only if you’re not consciously trying too hard. Aries tend to have difficulties being smooth, finesse. This month tone it down a bit and let nature take its course. If you trust your staff, co-workers, the career center looks positive. We all know who’s bossy. Smiles… But shock ‘em by saying, “You know what? I’ma let you handle that.” And watch the machine do its duty. Take a load off. Get away. #justsuggestions
The ones you bump into this month—the random roundup. Don’t dismiss them as the usual blur of unknown faces (especially if you’re a NYC resident). Pause. Look. Listen. You may be pleasantly surprised by your findings.
Your June # 316.
- You may feel on the verge of something…not quite sure. Again, a mini-vacation may be in order. See if you can get two friends to come along. Two you like and they like you. You all like each other as a unit. Not the trip for unnecessary drama. Try to vacay near water—clean water.
You crave an epiphany, I’m trying to facilitate that high here in this astro-passage for you. Pack a new journal, good writing pens, and a lot of water. Walk with these items. ‘Cause you know when epiphanies hit it’s quick! By the time you run for a pen been done lost the thought. Keep paper and pen on your person.
Listen to some of actress RavenSimone’s interviews before you go. Why? I’m not quite sure, spirit just gave it to me, so I’m sharing it with you. Something she may say in one of them could SPARK something salient and needed for you.
Uncharacteristic for any sturdy earth sign (and yours be tha sturdiest of the three), this month you may suddenly only see through the proverbial rosy lens. Yes, idealism. Heck, I say enjoy it! You know tha woo-woo astro-Mama I be. Enjoy your month of being out-of-character. Change is good—especially change for the good. And it’s good not to be so stubborn and dogmatic all the time. *clearing throat* Not saying that you are. Smiles…
To see things and folks in an idealistic way not only does this widen your heart for them but it helps them widen theirs’ for you and themselves—they won’t be so hard on themselves. It’s kinda like a remedy. Gotta expand thought to raise consciousness.
- Echoes… “…constant elevation cause expansion…” ~Rakim from his classic cut “You Know You Got Soul”
A Pisces of note is shown. Be aware of the wise one—wise, yet deceitful. Again, have fun with the new idealistic you this month, but keep the wise ones in proper perspective.
Artwork all by Miss Tigri. She is the owner of the copyright and you may visit her site to purchase. Miss Tigri’s work can also be found on the site Mayhem and Muse.
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