Make a vision board as seen on Oprah and “The Secret”

[Photo: Declanw]

Passionista Principle: If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there…

How to make a vision board

Hey Rockstars,

Do you know what a vision board is? And if you do, when’s the last time you updated yours? Day #30 of Bombshell Academy is all about making your vision board. This is the perfect time of year to make a new collage board of images expressing your vision for your life. You may also call them treasure maps, mind map, goal map or goddess dream books but we are talking about the same thing; using visual images to focus your energy, ignite your emotions and manifest your vision for your life.

Trust me, vision boards do work.

This video was sponsored by Terra Fossil Wine’s 30 Days of Wine Madness, a heart healthy campaign. It was shot and edited by the fab Liz Nicholls.

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