Powerful transformational practices, including the Law of Assumption, from Abdullah, the mysterious Black Ethiopian rabbi who was the mentor to New Thought icon Neville Goddard.

“In this captivating book, Abiola enlightens readers, revealing that it is their birthright to transform their wildest dreams from imagination to reality.”
#1 New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein

In From Imagination to Reality, Abiola Abrams reveals the hidden teachings of Abdullah, a mystic and sage from the 1930s whose influence on spiritual teachers such as Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy underscores the profound impact of his insight. Abdullah’s teachings have long been linked to Neville Goddard’s creation of the Law of Assumption.

Abdullah’s spiritual laws provide the foundation of conscious creation; and the manifesting processes, revelations, and exercises provided in these pages will become your tools for harnessing the energy of your intentions while guiding you toward deeper self-awareness and alignment with your desires.

Get ready to step into your fullest potential and manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams as you learn to purposefully shape your reality.

Get your book here now: https://amzn.to/3wqAfSU


New Book! From Imagination to Reality

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:::Learn more about the book HERE.

About the Book

So working? Yes. Okay, great. Hello, hello, hello. And welcome, welcome, welcome to The Sacred Conversation. So this was not a planned convo . In fact, I just now finished my class with the beauties in my priesthood program. Let me just get this screen arranged here. Yes. So I just finished doing the Priestess Hood broadcast. What an incredible container. And I was here getting ready to go pick up my baby from daycare. And I was looking through, I started looking through the copy of my new book From Imagination to Reality, which is coming to you from Hay House Penguin Random House in a couple of weeks. And I was like, wow, this is really good, .

And it struck me that I hadn’t made a video yet sharing with you about this book. That means so much to me. So here’s the book, y’all. Here’s the book. I’ve been holding this up for a couple of months, but I have to just show y’all. Boom. It’s this blank. Inside , this is a blank version that I had ordered from from Etsy for Inspo. So this is a blank version, , but now we actually have boom pages info inside. Yay. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Hit the share button. Hit the share button because this was not a planned broadcast. I’m here randomly. If somehow you found this, please, whenever hit the share button, put some positivity on your timeline. My new book From Imagination to Reality. At the top it says, forward by Sarah Proud. Thank you Sarah. Proud bestselling author of Dear Universe. There’s also another forward I’m gonna tell you about in a moment, secret Manifestation Lessons and the Law of Assumption from Abdullah Master Alchemist, by that’s me.

:::Learn more about the book HERE.

Here is the back cover!

And oh, it says, and author of African Goddess Initiation. So, okay, so Goddess Andrea’s here. Yay. Thank you, goddess Tamal. Bacon Douglas. He says, I cut alive and I’m waiting for that new book for my birthday. Happy birthday, sis. Happy Birthday goddess. So, guess what? So I have two forwards in this book. One is by Sarah pr. I don’t know if you guys know her. If you don’t know her, check her out. Her book is named Dear Universe, and she is the manifestation queen. She does work all around manifestation, and she was generous enough to write the forward for me. And the second one I’m so excited about is Michael Bernard Beckwith. Do you know Michael Bernard Beckwith? If you don’t know him, he is also an amazing human

Being. He, his forward is in the special, it’ll be in the audio book, and it’s in the Kindle edition. It’ll be in the next edition. But he is absolutely amazing. I just recorded his podcast the other day. So yes, it’s available for purchase, so please, please, please go purchase it. Someone said they’re waiting for, for it to come for their birthday. So it it’ll, if you buy it now, go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, wherever you buy books, it’s available right this moment. You’ll receive it on the 28th of May. I had to pause for a second because I was gonna say March. I’m like, may like I can’t be right. Yeah, , it’s May, May 28th. So you’ll receive it on May 28th. So, but please purchase it now. Go get it now. And what it’s is, is it’s a book about manifesting, unlike any book on manifesting that has been written before.

Get your book here now: https://amzn.to/3wqAfSU

And it’s because I’ve been working with you amazing human beings. And if, if not you, with amazing human beings for the past 10 years on manifesting. And so I know all, all of the, the ways that people have had problems with manifesting consciously or haven’t been able to manifest. And I address all of those in this book, not only with my wisdom and the things that I’ve learned, but from a master teacher, Abdullah, who lived a hundred years ago, a real human being, a black Ethiopian rabbi who lived and worked in New York City. He was a mystic and an incredible human being. And his lessons are here in this book, his lessons on manifesting his processes. He was a psychic, he was a spiritual teacher. He was a scholar who spoke many different languages. And I’m excited to share this with you, and I’m gonna be working these lessons through with you, for you to manifest your wildest dreams.

There is a quote also that I’m very proud of. So here’s the back of the book. My website is wrong, right there, . It says, woman Festing Without an Eye. My website is woman manifesting.com. But at the top of the book, it says, in this captivating book, Abiola enlightens readers revealing that it is their birthright to transform their wildest dreams from imagination to reality. From number one, New York Times bestselling author, Gabrielle Bernstein. So thank you, Gabrielle Bernstein. And so I am told that if we are able to, if you go and order this and buy it for other folks and get folks to buy it, if it’s in alignment, of course only if it’s in alignment and we sell out this edition, then we can get the next edition that we’ll have Michael Bernard Beckwith’s forward in the book, so that we of course want.

Get your book here now: https://amzn.to/3wqAfSU

And so, yes, so all kinds of lessons. And here from things like, you know quantum jumping. Yes, they were talking about that a hundred years ago. They were talking about that a thousand years ago to how to manifest things as small as a thin bull to things as big as your dream home. And Abdullah was your your favorite teacher’s, favorite teacher’s, favorite teacher’s, favorite teacher going back, he has a lineage. And I’m proud to say that I am a part of that lineage. So I just wanted to hop on and just share this with you. What else can I show you? Oh, so let’s go through, let me just show you the table of contents here. Yay, goddess Andrea says she just pre-ordered, yay, yay, yay. Please, please, please. Pre-Order. So if you have favorite authors or, or maybe not your favorite authors, just put folks you like to hang out with online who write a book.

Like I just saw Hannah Echo. If you don’t know her, Hannah Echo is someone who I follow online and she has a book that is named the Honey Is The Knife. And I had the, the Kindle, previous Kindle version, and I just saw on Instagram, she has a new version coming out. Now, we are all lurkers on social media, , I’m a lurker as well as many of us. But when I saw that she posted her new book, I commented on purpose because I know that those things matter. I commented because I was excited, but also because I wanna support her. So if you have like any of my books or decks and they feel in alignment with you, please do thank you. Like what Goddess Andrea and Jamaica Douglas did, and order them. Number one, if you can, if you’re able to do so.

And number two, leave a review. Those reviews matter. I get so many more emails, reviews in my email telling me about how, you know, work has impacted them than I see on Amazon. But on Amazon is where our publishers look and where Amazon looks to say, should we give this work another chance? All right, there’s my spiel that’s over. So the book begins with the foundation, which is the Abdullah Paradigm, the I Am Paradigm, and the Abdullah Paradox. Very important for manifesting. Then it goes into the law of life, the Law of assumption, which is different than the law of attraction. And then it goes into the 13 Manifesting Scrolls of Abdullah. So we will be working those through together, the mystery of self-concept, the mystery of the subconscious mind, the mystery of words, the mystery of feelings, et cetera. So why manifesting? Why is it important?

Why now? Because you deserve to live your wildest dreams because you deserve to have your big, bright, shiny life because you deserve to have the feeling that I’m feeling right now as I’m holding my book. And I’m happy and I’m grateful, and I’m aligned with my purpose. And it feels good to feel good. And so whatever that is for you, I want to help you to get there. All right? So gotta go get my baby from school. Yes, two year olds , two years old in school. Gotta go get my baby from school. But I just wanted to pop in and share this with you. We are Worthy, we are deserving, and this is our time. You are not too old. It is not too late. This is your time. So go get the book from Imagination to Reality. Yay. And I look forward to hanging with you. The book comes out May 28th, but whenever you’re watching this, you can buy it right now. You can order it right now. And I did, there’s a Kindle version and an audio book version. I was in the studio for three very long days, specifically just to record the audio book for you. So there are those versions coming out. And then I’ve also recorded a meditation album for manifesting, but that won’t be out for a while. But just letting you know that it’s coming. All right. I believe in you. Talk to you soon. Bye. Yeah.