As the “new world” daughter of it makes me so proud to be respected by my community. That’s right, Caribbean folks are about more than carnivals and parades — although we love those too.
Howdy Sacred Bombshell,
They say every man wants to be respected in his own country, so obviously every woman does, too. Right? I am so proud that the esteemed Juliet Emanuel, a great connector for the Guyanese community in America, has invited me to participate in this year’s Literary Hang.
Here’s a note about the event from Juliet…
From The Guyanese Cultural Association July Newsletter:
On Saturday, August 30, after “de stan down” from the Kwe Kwe (Queh Queh) the night before and all persons are well rested, come over to St. John’s Episcopal Church, 139 St. John’s Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217. The formal program starts promptly at 1:00 p.m.
Reading from their works this year are Kennard Ramphal, Dwarka Ramphal, Barbara Verasami, Gaiutra Bahadur, Ingrid Griffith, Roy Brummell, Fenton Sands, Charles Liverpool, Abiola Abrams and the young wordsmiths from The Writers’ Program of the GCA Caribbean Summer Workshop Series/Arts in the Community. A question and answer session follows each of these writers.
Also presenting their texts are Lear Matthews and Yvonne Sam, among others.
There is also an Open Mic session and those who wish to do so are given the chance to speak briefly, if time and demand allow. We ask only that, because of the presence of children at this event, any texts that are read aloud be appropriate for all ages. It is best to register for Open Mic before the event or immediately on arrival at the event. Beginning at 4:00 p.m., we will enjoy a traditional Ice Cream Banquet.
The Literary Hang program is packed for the six hours that we will be enjoying the art of communicating. So, come early, stay, laugh, learn. Before you know it will be 7 p.m. and the event will be over for 2014. The Literary Hang, as part of its vision and mission moves, in part, out of NY to our states in the South in 2015 and to Guyana in 2016 for a planned week of celebrating our wordsmiths in the homeland. No man is an island; we are all part of the main.
“We Bridgin.”
For information about the Annual Literary Hang please go to; call the GCA Secretariat at 718 209 5207 or write The Annual Literary Hang: Saturday August 301, 2014; the Gardens of St. John’s Episcopal Church, 139 St. John’s Place, Brooklyn, between 6 and 7th Avenue, NY 11217; from 1 to 7 p.m.
-Juliet Emanuel
- Find the full July issue here.
- Photos by Liz Nikols.