Yay! After a seven month creative cocoon hiatus, my new Hay House projects are coming your way.

Once the ancestors commanded me to do this project, the goddesses would not leave me alone.

My new book, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy will be born on July 20th, 2021.

My new African Goddess Rising Oracle deck will be coming your way in October. You can find my meditations on the Hay House Unlimited App.

Presenting My New Book & Cover:

African Goddess Initiation

African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy

Check out the GORGEOUS cover — art by my talented art goddess sister Destiney Powell. Whoo hoo!!


About the Book: African Goddess Initiation

A sacred feminine initiation journey of self-love, soul care, and self-care rituals, tools, and exercises inspired and gifted by the goddesses of the African diaspora…

You are a goddess. So why are you still playing small, doubting your worth, and betraying yourself?

It is time to activate African goddess magic to transmute your fears and limiting beliefs, so that you can create more happiness, abundance, and self-acceptance.

Each chapter is a sanctuary where you will meet ancient goddesses and feminine energy ancestors, legendary queens, and mystical spirits. As you complete their powerful rituals, from altars to masks, you align with your divine frequency. This is goddess rising.

goddess of paris retreat - best year ever

As you ascend the nine AFRICAN GODDESS INITIATION temples you will:

  • Awaken generational healing in the Temple of Ancestors;
  • Manifest your miracles in the Temple of Conjurers;
  • Release the struggle in the Temple of Warriors;
  • Embrace your dark goddess self in the Temple of Shadows;
  • Heal your primal wounds in the Temple of Lovers;
  • Liberate your voice in the Temple of Griots;
  • Open your third eye intuition in the Temple of Queens; and
  • Surrender, meditate, and rise in the Temple of High Priestesses.

There is no one African spiritual tradition. Africa is a continent of 54+ countries and her children are global. Our ancestors who were trafficked in “The New World” hid the secrets of our orishas, abosom, lwas, álúsí, and god/desses behind saints, angels, and legendary characters. From South Africa to Egypt, Brazil to Haiti, Guyana to Louisiana, goddess wisdom still empowers us.

AFRICAN GODDESS INITIATION is an awakening into the mysteries of the feminine divine. Welcome to your goddess circle.


African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals

Yay! Front and Back Cover –

African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy

Flashback: My First Two Book Covers

In June 2014, on Josephine Baker’s birthday, I released the Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love, winner of The African American Literary Award for Best Self Help.

Abiola Abrams


In 2008, it was so exciting to see my debut novel Dare, published by Simon and Schuster, in the window of Barnes and Noble in Columbus Circle of Manhattan.



ABIOLA ABRAMS is an award-winning author, intuitive coach, oracle deck creator–including the African Goddess Rising Oracle deck–transformational speaker, and international retreat leader. Abiola comes from multi-generational healers, seers, and farmers in Guyana, South America, who are descended from the Asante, Yoruba and Fula people of West Africa. As the founder of the Womanifesting.com self-love empowerment platform and Goddess Temple Circle, Abiola’s mission is to empower you to become who you were born to be.