Tinzley’s Latest Advice to Her Fellow Single Mothers on Finding Balance at Work…

Hello Single Moms!

Today’s post is on balancing the workplace and being a single mom. Have you seen that single mommy in the workplace who always calls in sick, comes in late has to leave early or takes extremely long lunch breaks? Uh-huh. Many times I see single mothers who are struggling to balance working and raising their child.

This is an easy way to get ousted in the workplace if you don’t get this behavior under control. I know it’s tough. As a single mom there were many times when I just didn’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for my friends and family. Raising a child with two parents is tough enough but raising a child single-handed is even tougher.

These days I’m seeing more and more single moms who often use their being by themselves while raising a kid as an excuse to well, pretty much abuse the system in many workplaces and this is not a good thing. The last thing you need is your employer hounding your every move and you giving them plenty of ammunition to do so.

Reality check! Your employer hired you to be dependable not make excuses about why you have to constantly leave to tend to your little one. You have to balance the workplace and parenthood without playing the victim role.

So how can you stay successful in the work place and not sabotage your career for multiple sick outs?
  • If you are a single mom and know you need help you, ask your family and friends if they can help you with your little one. My theory is it takes a village to raise a child so why not ask for help to prevent you from having to call in sick at work? Maybe one person can pick your child up and the other one drops the child off.
  • Take advantage of after school programs many times at no cost if you do a little research and find out what programs are out there. This will assist you with having a place for your little one to go that many times stays open late enough giving you time to get off work and so pick them up.
  • Have a talk with your boss/ manager about your temporary situation. Believe it or not if you just tell the truth and be up front, your boss will work with you especially if you’re a value to the team. It’s when you fail to communicate and just come in late or not at all often that tends to create problems.
  • Know that if your manager can’t depend on you to come to work every day on time then you may get overlooked for future projects and or promotions. Don’t set yourself up for failure.
  • Keep your positive upbeat spirit no matter what. Your team members and boss. Manager will notice a negative change in you if you suddenly start to constantly complain i.e, “I have to go pick up my child!” ” I’m a single mom so they have to let me handle my business with my kid.” or ” This is too much work, I barely have time to spend with my child.” Never let them see you sweat just handle it or find another line of duty.

Keep in mind life is what you make it and these days there are more than enough people with out a job who will kindly take your place and excel even being a single mom.

Love from Your Sister In the Struggle,



If you can’t see Tinzley’s “Single Moms & Work video,” click here.