My Boyfriend Seems Obsessed With His Ex Girlfriend! Help…

Dear Abiola,

How can I tell if my boyfriend’s heart belongs to his ex girlfriend?

He went out with her for 13 years and they broke up over something that they both got over. He will not talk to me about her. He says, “Don’t ask me something you don’t want the answer to about my ex.” But I don’t think I am getting all of him. I think he still loves her.

I have been going out with him for 4 years. How can I tell? Thanks


Hey DeNile,

I feel your pain. If a man says, “Don’t ask me something you don’t want the answer to,” he is basically giving you the answer right there. I think that he is still in love with his ex girlfriend. I’m sorry to say that but she still has his heart.

You have to ask yourself if this is something you can live with. I think that you deserve more.

Here’s the key: He might not even still be in love with who she is now, but he’s holding up a fantasy of who they used to be together. Either way, you have a decision to make. Check out the video below where I answer a similar question. If you have to wonder after four years about his ex, that’s not a good sign.

All my love!

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