In Enter your Goddess Temple, my new Hay House audio program, I offer you teachings on your seven inner temples and specific goddesses associated with each temple.

Are you ready for a mindfulness journey of personal initiation, soul care, and self-love?

These goddesses, which can be found in the spiritual traditions of the African diaspora, invite you into their divine presence so that you can manifest their qualities right here, right now.

–>Click here to register free now.

Find iNkosazana’s meditation on my Enter Your Goddess Temple Meditation Mixtape now on Hay House:


[YouTube Video Link]


Who is Goddess iNkosazana?

Goddess iNkosazana is the Zulu goddess who represents growth, healing and evolution. She can appear in the misty clouds or the murky waters. She also appears in the corn fields, helping the crops to grow. As above, so below. She appears only to healers and will take you on a snake-filled healing ride in your dreams.

Umbilini is your divine feminine energy life force coiled at the base of your spine.

Find iNkosazana’s meditation on my Enter Your Goddess Temple Meditation Mixtape now on Hay House here

Enter Your Goddess Temple
Learn more about her in my upcoming book, African Goddess Initiation.

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Inkosazana's Celestial Alignment Meditation

iNkosazana Umbilini Goddess Meditation Chakras

iNkosazana Umbilini Goddess Meditation Chakras