We are celebrating your divine feminine goddess power!

We are also celebrating Enter Your Goddess Temple, my new Hay House meditation program.

::::Click here to learn more about my Enter Your Goddess Temple meditation mixtape



Embody the Goddess Within Divine Feminine Meditation

[YouTube Video Link]


Enter Your Goddess Temple

::::Click here to stream or download Enter Your Goddess Temple


Are you ready for a journey of personal initiation, empowerment, and self-love?

Join intuitive self-love coach and spiritual teacher Abiola Abrams on a journey to awaken the goddess within and make your own inner world a sacred feminine sanctuary. In this unique audio program, Abiola offers you teachings on your seven inner temples and specific goddesses associated with each temple.

These goddesses, which can be found in the spiritual traditions of the African diaspora, invite you into their divine presence so that you can manifest their qualities right here, right now. To fully embody the qualities of these goddesses, Abiola guides you on transformational meditational journeys to invoke, abide in, and manifest the qualities of each goddess.

Goddess Meditations - Hay House Unlimited App

The meditations Abiola presents in this audio program have an ascending quality which means you work first to cleanse and strengthen your foundation at the root of your being. As you work through each meditation, your focus ascends through your energy centers at your sacral channel, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.

In the last meditation, you are guided on a celestial alignment journey where you are fully empowered by all seven goddesses. Let Abiola guide you and dive deep into your inner goddess temple!

(This mindful journey is based on Abiola’s book, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy.)




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Embody Your Inner Goddess Meditation


Goddess Guided Meditation to Awaken the Goddess Within

Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation