Rha Goddess empowers others to enact positive social change with her social movement and company called Move the Crowd. Her motto is True, Paid, Good. Here, she shares how to set your spiritpreneur goals on fire…
Hey Sacred Bombshell,
March is Women’s History Month. I wanted to kick off this incredible time by sharing a woman who inspires me more than she knows. You may have read my dialogue with her in The Sacred Goddess Handbook of Self-Love. My new Spiritpreneur site and Spiritpreneur School podcast launching soon are dedicated to the Sacred Business Bombshell. Rha exemplifies the movement of uniting spirit with business.
Rha Goddess is an artist, coach, transformational speaker and a creative entrepreneur. Her company, Move the Crowd, empowers entrepreneurs to succeed in the marketplace while enacting positive social change. The academy is a yearlong training and development program. Each entrepreneur is assigned his or her own coach. The Move the Crowd programs include mastermind, peer and expert engagement. Whether the objective is to grow a venture or just to be with like-minded entrepreneurs, there is a wealth of knowledge available.
These are the words of poet Rha Goddess: “This is a story about a young girl’s dream to rock a mic, save the hood and heal the planet. About my journey from starving artist to sustainable revolutionary, of how I healed my relationship with capitalism to move the crowd and empower a new entrepreneurial generation.”
Abiola: Rha, you’re doing powerful work empowering other individuals. Can you please tell us about Move the Crowd and your motto, “True. Paid. Good”?
Rha: We are an entrepreneurial training company. We are dedicated to helping the next generation “stay true, get paid and do good” and we specifically work with creative and cultural entrepreneurs. We define them as this new generation of movers and shakers who are really redefining their work and are looking to engage in ventures and initiatives that foster their creative expression, that support their financial freedom and that make a difference in the world. Those are the folks that we have honor and privilege of serving every day.
Abiola: You help people live out their dreams, conscious entrepreneurs. Please tell us about your own creative background as a writer and a performer, Rha Goddess.
Rha: For over two and a half decades, I’ve had the privilege to work as a creative change agent. I was a reluctant artist but when I finally did surrender I knew that I wanted to use my art to make a difference. The disciplines that I worked in were writing, performing, music, poetry and theater but always the commitment was to move the needle on some of the most pressing social, political and economic issues that face our society.
I remember a conversation I had with Danny Glover not too long ago where he talked about being a citizen first. I really do resonate with that. I’m a citizen who happens to be an artist. I’m an artist who is committed to being a citizen and what that means in terms of how we use our talent and our gifts. My history has really been all about working at the intersection of arts and social justice, and social change. And using those mediums of music, poetry and theater to raise awareness and to encourage and ignite action around the issues that I’m most passionate about.
Abiola: Well, thank you so much for your contributions as a citizen and as an artist. Rha, do you ever get nervous or afraid and what do you do for self-care when you feel less than your Rha Goddess magical self?
Rha: I’m a human being first and foremost so I feel everything that everybody else feels. What we do with Move the Crowd is really a result of the journey that I’ve had and the journey that we’ve had the privilege of taking dozens of entrepreneurs through. So we’re not walking you through or engaging you in anything that we’re not doing ourselves or haven’t done ourselves.
I’ve learned to make peace with my fear. I’ve learned how to work with my fear and ultimately through my fear. It isn’t that I don’t get afraid because I totally do especially anytime I’m starting something new or embarking on something that’s really important to me. [If it’s] something that’s really near and dear to my spirit fear comes up.
What I’ve learned to do is acknowledge it. Embrace it. Sometimes that part of my “little girl” that needs to be reassured that we’re not going to get her into anything dangerous or crazy. Sometimes there’s that part of me that needs to know that being in my truth is more important than getting “so and so’s” approval. Sometimes it’s that part of me that needs to stand for what I feel really strong about. Sometimes that may fly in opposition to the status quo and it’s just about calling on my courage and being willing to go for it.
One of the things that I do as part of my self-care is I talk to myself. I ask myself, “Which part of me is activated here?” Is it my historical trauma? Is it my people pleaser or is it the activist in me, the part of me that is about shaking things up, that is about wanting to usher in a new paradigm, that is about sometimes needing to be unapologetic?
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Find more about Rha Goddess and Move the Crowd on their comprehensive site. They also offer free consultations to explore whether or not the academy is a fit.
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