Anonymous Gigablonde said…

Hi Abiola!

I just discovered you in one of those cool random yet utterly synchronistic ways that just puts a smile right on your face. Y’know those? 🙂 Anyway, first of all, THANK YOU for your beautiful-energy-filled podcasts … I love your spirit …

And second I have sort of a sad question for you. I was reading some of your old blog posts and came across one that said “I’m done with white girls.” I know we all vent in our blogs and all you’re totally entitled to say whatever you feel, it’s your world here, I know that! Venting is good! I realize it came from your personal experience and you did explain a bit. At the same time I wondered … do you really feel that way?

Being all radiant as I was with Abiola-energy, it sorta deflated me to read that, being that I’m in that category (w.g. 😉 … I felt sorta sad to read “I’m done with white girls.” I hope it’s ok that I ask you about it. Do you mind?

Much love,

1/12/2008 3:06 AM


Blogger abiola said…

My beautiful new friend– hello!
I am in the middle of a shoot, but a taking a moment to respond because your comment troubled me so….

“I’m Through With With Girls” is the name of a film directed by Jennifer Sharp that shows that in the case of the film’s hero race was not the problem, but his personality was. Much like in my novel Dare, the character must be introspective to grow. My post had NOTHING to do with race.

The entire post was in salute to the filmmaker and her tenacity. Please read it here:

For me, the joke of using the film’s title as my post title was that of course I would never feel/say anything like that.

Thanks for reaching out, and expressing yourself. Perhaps many others were confused and didn’t have the guts to leave a comment. So thank you for that my new friend!!!

Yay– glad we cleared that up.

Sending you love, light, cookies and joy…


1/12/2008 10:04 AM


Anonymous gigablonde said…

A big, joy-filled *WOW* with curlie-Q’s and fireworks, I am so happy to receive your message. Thank you, Abiola! Laughing at myself for seeing the big, bold headline and not the REPEATED reference to the fact that this was the name of a film … DUH!!!!

Funny thing about it is … (laughing even MORE at self now) … I even DID read through some of the post … and I am just LOVING this life lesson. Here it is:

** You get what you are looking for. **

What a great one, right? It’s so fascinating and full of learning opportunities, I am just eating it up with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Here is what I did:

“Abiola said she’s through with white girls. Why? Let me find out. Ok, here she said it, wow and really big too, she must reeeally mean it. Now she’s talking about some girl making a film, I don’t need to read that part … now she says she feels as if some of her white fans have deserted her after she began working on BET, wow I just got here and already I’m out just cuzza those peeps! … ok, now she says it again, she’s through with white girls … now she’s talking about this girl making a film again, I don’t need to read that part …”

Look at that! I was skipping the VERY pieces which would have EXPLAINED EVERYTHING!!!

WOW, WOW and WOW AGAIN right?

Thank you for being so graciously and lovingly open to receiving my question and for your immediate and light-filled response.

Your new friend,
Laughing and learning,

1/12/2008 1:41 PM
