“The FIRST STEP before anyone else in the world believes it is that YOU have to BELIEVE IT.” ~Will Smith~
Hey Gorgeous!!
Happy, happy 2016. I’ve missed you.
I hope that the New Year STILL is rocking for you.
I have been on a much-needed vacation and social media break for the past few weeks and it feels SO GOOD.
So what have I been up to since we last spoke?
Living… Yes, actually LIVING my beautiful LIFE!
I love my work and had gotten SO caught up in the goals and dreams that I was forgetting to LIVE my LIFE — although this is what I was teaching.
SO I put myself on a juicy regimen of WOMANIFESTING a big, fat, JUICY complete life — living the more WHOLE sacred bombshell life I was born to live.
And GUESS WHAT HAPPENED when I opened myself up to ME?
I got ENGAGED! yay!!
I’m in the process of moving in with the LOVE of my LIFE and beginning a new evolution of my family and I am happier than I’ve ever been.
(Pssssst… I haven’t shared this publicly yet but you are a part of my insider tribe, so I wanted to let YOU know first.)
I am now truly living in my JOY. If I can do it, first generation Guyanese-American girl from NYC, you can too.
Yummy, yummy happenings on the professional front, too.
TODAY, I am a part of something super special that reminded me how much I do LOVE what I do, love living life on my own terms and believe wholeheartedly that you can too.
That’s what it’s all about. YOU! Your freedom. Your journey. Your success. Doing what YOU love without struggle and uncertainty.
Did you know that it’s estimated that over 3 BILLION people currently use the internet?
That’s 3 BILLION sets of eyes, 3 billion potential tribe members to choose from.
Here’s the deal – my colleague Jackie Kotei has put together a FREE virtual event called “Do What You Love.” It’s all about empowering you to build a Powerful Online Presence, Attract Ideal Clients and Make Your First Six Figures.
And I’m part of it! If a juicy life and a profitable spiritpreneur business is at the top of your wish list, you don’t want to miss this event.
Jackie’s virtual event started on January 12th — my lesson is LIVE today — and you can participate from anywhere in the world!
CLICK HERE to reserve your FREE seat and listen to my FULL lesson right now.
I KNOW you get invited to a lot of things, my sweet, but there are a few reasons that attending this one should be your top priority.
MY ONLY benefit from you attending is that I think it is totally worth it for YOU. I don’t profit at all.
Here’s why you should check it out…
- It’s FREE. You are going to hear from ME + 21 other highly successful and influential entrepreneurs who are living the very freedom you are working towards and who did it by building an powerful online presence. But rather than paying the thousands of dollars that it might cost to work with them, you are hearing it all for FREE. High-level strategies, time-saving tips plus my very own sacred secrets to success!
- These interviews aren’t the usual B.S. format of people just telling their “rise to the top” stories. This event provides soulcare, skills, strategy and tactics that you can implement immediately, including the insider secrets to mastering the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!
- There’s a great chance you’ll get an answer you’ve been waiting for. The challenges are different for all of us. Some of us struggle with gaining momentum, others with promotions and we all battle the fears of competition and the tangled web of Google traffic and social media marketing. This diverse panel is going to speak about all of these things and offer their strategies for mastering them one at a time!
- You’re good at what you do. You know your purpose and you’re tired of playing SMALL, tired of JUGGLING, juggling, juggling… while you wait for it all to take off.
You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Get access right now, and learn from the people who have blazed the trail for you!
It’s time to get unstuck and learn the simple strategies that are catapulting businesses forward.
Let’s do it! DO what? Only YOU can answer that! Let’s do YOU.
It’s time to build your presence, position yourself in front of your ideal clients and step boldly onto the playing field — doing what you were BORN to do.
Sign up FREE HERE and take these 21 days to transform your life and your BLISS-NESS so that you can finally, without struggling, expand, shine, make money change lives and rock it!
Smart spiritpreneurs make decisions quickly and take advantage of valuable resources as soon as they can. Register here now. <LINK>
Life is short. Don’t sit by hoping that someday it all gets easier. Somewhere out there is a tribe of folks who need YOU. Don’t keep them waiting any longer. Join me for this event TODAY.
I make zero dollars from you checking it out. I just think it would be amazing for YOU.
Love and magic,
P.S. This free access to this event is only running for a limited time! Don’t let FEAR get in the way of you joining a transformational event that could very well up-level your business in 2016. Click here.
P.P.S. Be sure to share this inspirational event with others! Send them this link —> <LINK> and they can enjoy FREE access to my girl Jackie’s POWERFUL summit.