Learn more about my new book From Imagination to Reality here: https://womanifesting.com/imagination-reality-abdullah-neville-manifesting/


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Manifestation is not just a practice; it’s a journey of the soul, an art of weaving the fabric of our dreams into the tapestry of reality. What Abiola Abrams has created within the pages of this book is more than just a book; it’s a gateway to understanding the profound layers of your spiritual journey. 
As a teacher spiritual alchemy and manifestation for the last fifteen years, I’ve always believed in the transformative power of our thoughts and intentions. This book echoes a similar sentiment, delving deep into the Law of Assumption and the teachings and profound mentorship of Abdullah, the Master Alchemist. I’d heard of him before, but never truly dived into his mystical wisdom. 
As readers, we’re taken through a realm where our deepest desires are not just whims but potent seeds of our destiny, waiting to be nurtured. It’s a powerful reminder that true manifestation begins with intentional and consistent connection to Divine Consciousness. 
Throughout my own journey over the years, I’ve witnessed the miraculous unfolding of intention into reality. I went from being a single mother living below the poverty line, to creating a successful 7-figure business inspiring millions of people around the world to connect with the Universe and higher levels of consciousness. My life radically changed in direct proportion to how much inner work I was prepared to do. It’s also important to note that despite the success and spiritual tools, there have still been trials and tribulations along the way that have been beautiful gifts and blessings because of the awareness of how to transmute pain or problems into power. 
From nurturing a thought into a tangible outcome, I’ve seen the Law of Attraction at work, harmonizing with the Law of Assumption, as beautifully elucidated in this book. The stories, exercises, and insights that Abiola shares are a testament to the infinite possibilities that await us when we align our imagination with unwavering belief in ourselves and our world. 
This book is a beacon for those who seek to understand the mysteries of manifestation. It serves as a reminder that our reality is a reflection of our innermost thoughts and beliefs. As you turn each page, you’ll be invited to explore the depths of your own consciousness and unlock the power of your imagination.
“From Imagination to Reality” is not just a read; it’s an experience, a journey that will guide you from the realm of thought to the landscape of tangible reality. I am thrilled to introduce you to this profound work that aligns so perfectly with the teachings I hold so dear. May your journey through these pages be as transformative and enlightening as the practice of manifestation itself.
With Love & Gratitude,
Sarah Prout
Co-Founder of Dear UNIVERSE®, Manifestation Mentor and Bestselling Author.Â