Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle: A 45-Card Deck and Guidebook for Connecting to Your Family Lineage, Exploring Modern Ancestral Veneration, and Revealing Divine Guidance is a deck by Abiola Abrams. Click here to learn more…



Ancestral Principles: in the flow, compassionate, empathic

Element: Water

Declaration: I am filled with the power of love.

Sacred Inheritance: All of the work you have done on yourself is paying off — with the energy of love and peace. Listen to your inner voice. Trust the intuitive guidance coming your way. Your powers have never steered you wrong. You have only neglected to trust them. Believe who people show themselves to be. Believe what your third eye shows you to be the truth.

This ancestor rules all things when it comes to our emotions. She also has healer priestess energy. But you don’t want this to be wounded healer energy. Be sure to take care of you so that your cup is full enough to give to others.

Ancestral Memory: The Mother of Water comes forward as Yemaya, Yoruba orisha of motherly love and the ocean. Originally a river goddess, she crossed the seas with her children to spread divine love, mercy and compassion. She is a guardian, the source of water and life.

Lineage Healing: For many of your ancestors, embodying love was a liability. Being vulnerable left them open to being hurt in difficult situations. When you choose the power of openness and vulnerability you heal them. You do not need to make choices from fear and lock in the same way they did.

Shadow Aspect (Reversed): Being a martyr does not serve you or anyone else. Overgiving is not an act of love, but an act of control. There is clingy, desperate energy all around you.

Tarot Correspondence: Queen of Cups

Ritual: Take a moon bath. Sit naked in the light of the moon and be with your emotions.

Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle

Tap into sacred ancestral wisdom with this powerful 45-card oracle deck designed to help you connect with the spirits of your ancestors, the Divine, and the harmonies of the universe.

Our ancestors have much to teach us about ourselves and our place in the universe. They can intercede with the Divine on our behalf and also act as our guardians, guides, and ascended masters. The Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle brings ancestral veneration—a key spiritual tenet of so many global cultures—into the modern zeitgeist, connecting us with the spirits of our family before us.

Featuring five suits (Ancestors, Archetypes, Rituals, Plants and Herbs, and Symbols), this oracle deck is the perfect spiritual tool for those looking to deepen their spirituality and tap into sacred wisdom of the past.
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A pocket-sized, portable version of Abiola Abrams’ popular oracle deck featuring African goddesses, spirits, and ancestors to support healing and spiritual awakening.

One of Hay House’s top-selling decks now comes pocket-sized! This travel-sized edition, African Goddess Rising Pocket Oracle, is packaged in a compact box perfect for your on-the-go spiritual journey.

African Goddess Rising Pocket Oracle is a beautiful oracle deck of 44 African goddesses, spirits, queens, and ancestors from many powerful peoples that reach from the continent of Africa and through the diaspora. Faithful to sacred truths and secrets passed down through oral tradition. this deck will support you as a tool for divination, healing, awakening, and personal development.

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