Our new Love-Body-Spirit Self Love eZine, Newletter, Missive Inbox bundle of love! Who is “our”? Me and you of course!

Hey Soul Mate,

I’ve been waiting all year for everything to be perfect to start these kinda-sorta weekly self-love missives. I needed the right template, so I tortured the great folks who help me create but nothing was ever perfect enough. It’s still not perfect BUT I am taking my own advice to “just begin,” because there is power and force in that.

Whoo hoo!


Three Things I think you’ll enjoy in this edition:

1. The importance of harvest.

Harvest full  fall moon

2. This banging eggplant recipe.

Grilled Eggplant Vegan Recipe

3. The most romantic thing I’ve seen in a long time!

The Surprise Wedding!



Love Coach Abiola

More Passionate Living