Yay! How are you on this beautifully rainy (where I am) fall day? I’m still on le writing retreat breaking only for my outstanding coaching clients. The juicy cover attached was an early cover test. You’ll see the current version soon. Meanwhile, I am in need of your help to move forward…
Hello Soul Mate,
CLICK HERE to jump into it. VOTE! http://tinyurl.com/bombshellbooktitle
MY MANUSCRIPT is going to the editor in a few days! Then my baby will come back to me for a final round of changes and be born as a book. Yay! We are now having growing pains.
THE TITLE for the past 2 years has been “The Official Bombshell Handbook (of Feminine Power)” with the subtitle “The 13 Sacred Secrets of Womanly Wisdom.” That title has been promoted throughout the media. I am re-branding the word bombshell to mean a vibrant woman who owns herself and is living full out, no shrinking or playing small.
When some people (actually men) hear the word “bombshell” of course, they have the assumption that “The Bombshell Handbook” is a book about sex when it’s actually more creating personal evolution via mind-body-spirit work, bombing the shell of who you once thought you were to BECOME YOUR MAGNIFICENT SELF… (There is one chapter on sex out of 15.) So I am exploring other possibilities, although I love it. I also started testing “The Brazen Bombshell Handbook” as I have an eCourse coming named “Brazen” that’s about the exact same topic.
OH- WHAT’S THE BOOK ABOUT? It’s about the subtitle: “The 13 Sacred Secrets of Womanly Wisdom.” The book is not for everyone. It’s specifically for brilliant women who are having what I call a “Dry Life Crisis.” Exceptional women who feel like with everything they have, something is still missing or they have yet to start living the full out life they came to live.
Can you share your votes/thoughts on each of the 7 titles below? My deadline to have your thoughts and make a decision is this Tuesday October 8th at 7pm EST. 🙂
I really would like to have a focus group of 25 incredible women respond. I will be underground completing everything for the next week but look forward to catching up.
Thank you in advance for your time.
LINK to VOTE: http://tinyurl.com/bombshellbooktitle
Passionately yours,
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