Learn more about my new book From Imagination to Reality here: https://womanifesting.com/imagination-reality-abdullah-neville-manifesting/


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“Abiola’s book, From Imagination to Reality, came to me in perfect timing! That’s how manifestation works. What I embraced from her book is everything I wish to express in this world is already inside of me. Abiola beautifully weaves the stories of Abdullah’s teachings of conscious creation throughout the book and offers exercises to practice these experiences ourselves.

As we become more aware of the teachings of the great wisdom teachers Abiola so clearly recreates in her book, it becomes easier to manifest these teachings in our lives. I particularly loved, “Manifestation becomes more about uncovering the treasure already inside of you and less about chasing your dreams”. Abiola’s book spoke to me in ways I was ready to hear!”

Lisa Garr 
Host and Creator of The Aware Show and author of Becoming Aware; How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize Your Life (Hay House)