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Your ancestors are always here for you, offering love and healing—you just need to connect to them with your heart!
In these six guided meditations, led by Abiola Abrams, you’ll not only connect with your ancestors but also channel their wisdom, healing, and strength. Experience the power to purify negative energy and release limitations that no longer serve you. In these practices, you will:
– Become a conduit of guidance from your ancestors
– Experience transformation as you immerse yourself in the energy of love
– Relax on a cellular level, releasing tension and stress through breath and visualizations
– Use the elements of fire, air, water, and earth to restore your health
– Heal with sacred affirmations while you sleep
– And as a special bonus track, harness the divine guide within you
Use these meditation practices daily to experience the guidance of your ancestors.
Track 1 Meditations for Ancestral Healing, Guidance & Veneration
Track 2 Travel Back to Your Ancestor’s Motherland with the Earth Element
Track 3 Channel Ancestral Guidance with the Air Element
Track 4 Open Your Ancestral Akashic Records with the Fire Element
Track 5 Emotional Healing & Veneration of Your Ancestors with the Water Element
Track 6 Affirmations to Heal Your Ancestral Lineage While You Sleep
Track 7 I Am My Ancestor’s Daughter – Bonus Track