This week on Love School for Nerds, Jay of The Nerdpocalypse and Abiola discuss a letter from a woman on whether her fiancee, newly out of prison, is truly as ready for marriage as he says he is. Listen and find out what Jay and Abiola have to say about this.

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Dear Abiola and Jay,

I am a 40 year old woman engaged to a 36 year old man, He has been in and out of prison, He was just released in December 2013 after being incarcerated for 4 years, My question is, I don’t think he ready for marriage.

He constantly wants to run the street on the weekend doesn’t come home till 4am, He’s being secretive about his cellphone which I found naked pics of other women, He keeps telling me he is ready but I don’t think he is. We take marriage counseling and our pastor really feels he is not ready,

I gave him a chance to go on with his life because I told him he have been locked down for 4 years and he hasn’t enjoyed life but he says he love me and wants to marry me but I’m scared that if I marry him I will end up hurt, This is our third time together throughout the years since 1997.

Sorry so long but again my question is I’m wasting my time or should I give him a chance?

Is he ready to get married?


Listen to Our Answer

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Hey! If you’re in need of judgement-free relationship advice, email All letters will be kept anonymous, In addition, all correspondence becomes our property to be addressed publicly, but you can be assured that your issue will be treated with dignity. If you are looking for private advice, the option for that route is coaching.


Photo Credit: That’s My Topper.