“Abiola’s Godiva Spirits Truffletini House Party”
Hey Rockstars,
It’s springtime. Time to get out and play. Last night I had a fun uptown dash around hitting up Harlem Tavern, Bleu Violin and Red Rooster. If you come to visit NYC this hot summer make sure you check out the festivities in Harlem.
You know that I love a soiree. Playing outside is fun, but sometimes you need to just catch up with your girls and dish. My diva dolls Kristal and Patranila came by to nosh, gossip and enjoy Godiva Truffletinis!
Godiva Truffletini Cocktail Recipe; Modified from TheBar.com:
- 1 oz. Godiva Chocolate Liqueur (25 oz. per bottle)
- 0.5 oz. Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur (25 oz. per bottle)
- .5 oz. Godiva Chocolate or Chocolate Raspberry Vodka (25 oz. per bottle)
- 2 shavings of chocolate
I served Oreos and chocolate chip cookies to accompany our lush Godiva drinks! And yes, I dipped my Oreos in my Godiva liqueur!