I am still buzzing after our incredible orientation for the African Goddess Rising Oracle School just yesterday.

Were you there?
***Learn more about the program here*** https://womanifesting.com/african-oracle-school/
If you missed it you can still get in on our half price opening special AND get the beautiful bonuses.

Here’s what you need to know this libra balancing new moon + DRAMATIC solar eclipse…
1. Embrace the New: Now is the moment to lean into change with courage and faith. As the New Moon and Solar Eclipse intertwine their energies, be ready for HUUUUGE SHIFT and revelations that may challenge what you’ve always believed.
Set intentions, dream big, and let the DIVINE  feel the vibration of your heart’s desires.
2. Trust Your Intuition: Your intuitive abilities will shine brightly during this phase.
Listen to that inner GAWDESS voice, the nudges, the dreams, and the flashes of insight.
They are your spiritual GPS, guiding you towards truths and wisdom.
3. Relationships: The energies of the moon and eclipse might stir the pot of your personal connections. Open-hearted communication is key. Cherish the REAL bonds that grow stronger and understand the ones that shift.
4. Personal Power: Remember your divine strength, especially during these powerful celestial events. This is your moment to rise, to WOmanifest, and to let the DIVINE witness the true essence of your being.
5. Spiritual Growth: For every beautiful empath reading this, this period is one of immense spiritual blossoming.
Dive deep into your rituals, join meditative sessions, or consider transformative spiritual retreats. The Divine is ready to commune with you.
Guidance: In this energetic whirlwind, anchor yourself. Practice self-care, connect with Mother Earth, and flow with the changes.
Remember, every twist and turn now aligns perfectly with your spiritual journey.
Harness the energy, set your intentions, and let’s walk this divine path together.
May this New Moon and Solar Eclipse amplify your power and purpose.
Many blessings to you.
Love and magic,
I’m excited to share an opportunity to truly harness this cosmic energy: The African Goddess Rising Oracle School Course.
The orientation was just this week, and you can catch up on it anytime.https://womanifesting.com/african-oracle-school/
The lessons kick off next Wednesday at 2 pm EST.
Immediate registration brings with it incredible bonuses.
Check out all the details here: https://womanifesting.com/african-ora