This vision board call-out is sponsored by the Zen Lifestyle Super Stack. The best in mind–body spirit empowerment for only $49.
It is here only right now during this full moon. And when the full moon is gone, the deal is gone.
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Keep reading to learn how to make your vision magical…
Hey Goddess,
You are a visionary.
That is clear — because you were magnetized to this post.
If you were happy just following the status quo, you wouldn’t be here.
So let’s talk. Real talk.
Your vision board is a fraud and a liar.
How do I know?
Mine was too.
Now, I say this even if you don’t have an actual physical vision board.
There is a vision you present for your life.
There are your #GOALS.
If you took the time to put them on a board, maybe even in a former vision board challenge or party with me, that’s beautiful.
Check out a few of my old ones throughout this post.
Lovely right?
But total B.S. —
Because — there are safe goals — and then there are those goals.
The real goals.
The reals hopes, wishes, dreams and desires that burn in your soul and keep you up at night.
The goals you dare not share or speak — because you are scared of being judged or tired of breaking your own heart.
It’s time to come clean.
This Sunday we begin to create a new vision for your life and your spiritual business.
How do you envision everything unfolding?
If you want something more, you are being called to be something more.
You are also probably being called to give up some things that are keeping you stuck.
The image above was on my mental vision board for a while — me with a group of powerful women at a castle in France for my last retreat.
But I had to get it off of my vision board and take inspired action to make it happen.
You can’t birth your dreams if you’re not willing to be upfront about them.
You can’t birth your dreams if you’re not willing to be upfront about them.
You can’t birth your dreams if you’re not willing to be upfront about them.
Your vision board is supposed to be where your sacred vision for your life is made manifest, not a place where you timidly express what is comfortable.
Whether it’s starting a business, going back to school, creating a family, moving across the world, making new friends… let’s talk about it!
Get your Visionary Board supplies and I will see you this Sunday at 10am EST on Goddess Temple Sunday, live on FB and IG to get started.
Whoo hoo!!
Get a jump start on manifesting your vision.
Head over and check out the Zen Lifestyle Superstack where you can get my Spiritpreneur Money Mindset Reset Camp and courses and ebooks from the best in the world of personal development and mind-body-spirit for only $49– if it feels in alignment for YOU.
::::Click here to learn more about the $49 Zen Lifestyle Super Stack.
When the full moon goes in a couple of days, it’s gone!!