If you want to sell without selling, chances it is because the idea of sales either terrifies or annoys you.

However, you can’t have a business without selling, right?

Let’s talk about the art of selling without selling.

I have a new, free masterclass for coaches, healers and spiritual entrepreneurs named “Spiritual Selling Success Secrets.”

::::Register here and watch it while it is still available for free.

Watch! Sell Without Selling

[Spiritual Selling Masterclass Invitation Video ]


Sell without Selling - Coaches Healers


Hey Goddess!

Abiola here — with a FREE MASTERCLASS that I’ve created JUST for YOU.

All right; real talk.

Are you ready to rock it as a recognized EXPERT in your COACHING, HEALING and/or SPIRITUAL BIZ?

Do you want to be seen and heard as the STAR of your own PLATFORM with your own COURSES and PRODUCTS? Are you ready to magnetize your SOULMATE CLIENTS and TRIBE to you?

And quickly and easily build your spiritual biz to $6+ FIGURES—- but you’re TERRIFIED of putting yourself out there, nobody knows your name and you hate, hate, hate selling!?

All right, well, you’re going to want to keep listening, keep watching and keep feeling the vibe because this is really exciting.

I was EXACTLY where you are and then ONE THING changed EVERYTHING. And that was my rockstar Spiritual Selling Success Formula. My Spiritual Selling Success Formula, which I have broken down into these can’t miss, can’t lose secrets, helped me to build my courses, my platform, my tribe, and my income.


Spiritual selling is about selling without selling. And spiritual selling begins with the courage to be seen.

These spiritual selling success secrets have taken me around the globe as a transformational speaker, international retreat leader and empowerment guru from London to Bali to Belize, to the Bahamas, and even some countries that don’t start with “B!”

These spiritual selling success secrets have allowed me, and more importantly, MY MESSAGE to be on networks from The CW to the Discovery Channel, from MTV to the BBC.

These spiritual selling success secrets have allowed me to give advice on platforms and publications from Essence to the DailyOm, and even Match.com.


These spiritual selling success secrets have changed everything for me and they can change everything for you — even if you’ve never sell or made a dime, even if no one knows who you are, even if you’re not a technical person, even if you have social anxiety like me, and especially even if like me, you hate, hate, hate selling — even more than you hate the word “hate.”


So here’s what I need you to do now:

CLICK the LINK and come to the FREE MASTERCLASS, while the offer is still available.

99.9999% of LIFE is SHOWING UP! So click the link, that’s Step 1, but Step 2 is you’ve got to come to the class and let’s make it happen. You got this.

Be seen, be heard, be a movement.

You’re only one click away…
Namaste, Goddess.




Spiritual Selling Secrets - Free How to Sell Class for Coaches