Every once in a while, we let a man take the wheel and guest post on the Sacred Bombshell self-love blog.

Sacred Biblical Dating Secrets… Guest Post: #CompletelySingle Author Damien K. H. Nash’s Advice on How to be the One…

The Decision: 3 Decisions You Can Make TODAY to Become the Right One…

By Damien K. H. Nash


Okay, ladies, please go get your list.

You know what list I’m talking about. The one you’ve tucked away in your lingerie drawer or the one you’ve hidden between those new six-inch stilettos you keep promising yourself you are going to wear one day. Yeah, that list! Alright, now that you have it in your hands, let me ask you a serious question: Looking over the recipe you’ve concocted for your future man, which you have promised yourself never to compromise on, can you honestly say that you yourself match the ingredient list you’ve whipped up for the man of your dreams?

Ladies, let me be honest with you: it’s time to make some decisions. And I know with all the broken relationship advice you have received from so-called relationship gurus, you are mature enough now to handle the truth. The truth is, we have to go back to the Bible and see what God says about relationships.

So I wanted to offer you three decisions I have found in Genesis that will transform your life and your relationships if you choose to apply them. But again, it’s up to you.


Your Biblical Dating Secrets

1. Boundaries! Decide to stay within boundaries and out of bondage.

Genesis 2:16–17 tells us, “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’” In this verse we see the very first boundary ever created!

Ladies, let me dispel the rumor that boundaries are bad. Boundaries, especially those created in relationships, are meant to protect both parties from being hurt. You have to decide from the start why are you in a relationship so you can define your roles and the limits you need to set.

The other major piece of this is staying out of bondage. What habits that you continue to fall back on keep messing you up in your relationships? What open doors are there in your life that needs to be closed? Open doors could be unconfessed sin, pride, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, false religions, abandonment, or so on. Pray and ask God to reveal to you what is keeping you from moving forward.


2. Mindfulness. Decide to rest.

Lastly, Genesis 2:2a says, “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” You see, God Himself rested from all His work on the seventh day. Say what? Yes, we are commanded to rest, but do we? You know the world wants us to stay busy, but at what expense?

The Bible tells us the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, but a close second in my personal opinion is busyness. Think about it: we are so busy that we might not hear the voice of the Lord on new job opportunities; we might be serving in the wrong non-profit or ministry; or even worse, you may be dating or planning to marry the wrong man. Do you see the issues that can arise? One point I make in my newest book, #CompletelySingle, is that if Christ can find time to rest on a boat, in Mark chapter 4, why can’t we find rest from our labor once a week?

3. Get Your Life! Decide to live.

Genesis 2:7 tells us, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” So here’s a question: What do you consider living? You know, what I have found, especially in relationships, is that both men and women react out of their emotions rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us. Truly living means being made alive by God’s Spirit.

Adam, the first man, came alive because God allowed His Spirit to fill him up. He came alive in his body, his soul (mind, will, and emotions), and finally in his spirit, which he received from God Himself. We have to learn how to surrender all three components of our being to the Father because, truth is, without His Spirit we are not truly alive.

If these three points seem to apply to you, then check out #CompletelySingle, a book we’ve jam-packed with biblical principles to help you become the right one before meeting the right one. We dig more deeply into a total of six major principles. You can find it on Amazon as a book or ebook here!


Damien K. H. Nash


Author Damien Nash

About the Author

A college professor once told Damien K. H. Nash that he had some of the worst writing ability that she had ever encountered. Nash did not accept this label and took her comment as a challenge. Now, seven years later, he is the founder of TNG Publishings, a full-service publishing company, and he has recently completed his sixth book, #CompletelySingle.


::::Click HERE to purchase the book.