Want to be known? Know how to create buzz and make people know about your spiritpreneur products and your coaching services.
Here’s how to create buzz and get more followers for your positive cause or bombshell business in 12 Splendiferous Steps:
1. “I am not for everyone.”
This should be your mantra. I am not for everyone and neither are you. My tribe totally vibes with my “femergetic” stories about the law of attraction, how to speak, write, and own your power, and my sacred meditation sessions.
Who are you? What makes you unique? What is your angle on how you see the world?
This is not middle school. Forget trying to appeal to everyone. No matter what you do, there will be folks who don’t like you. So what? You might as well shine as yourself. Learn how to create buzz and shine.
2. Who are you speaking to?
Be niche and own it. Are you a travel blogger, food blogger, music blogger, crafts blogger or social issues blogger? If you are a social issues blogger, which issues? Politics, culture, body image? Are you speaking to men in their 20s, women in their 30s?
Get as specific as you can. Food blogger, fashion journalist, and lifestyle expert are all generic terms. If you are a food blogger, is your blog about Cajan cuisine, vegan treats, Guyanese desserts? How to create buzz? The more specific you can be the better.
3. Flex your naming rights.
How to create buzz? Give your blog a unique name. You may have a gorgeous name, but unless you’re already famous, it doesn’t speak to anyone.
Think of names of A-List blogs like “Afrobella” and “Cupcakes and Cashmere.” These are both super descriptive names. As potential readers, we can formulate our own ideas based on their names alone.
4. Design your blog and social media sites like you design your home.
Have a clean, professional, on-brand look. What are your fonts? What is your color scheme? Is your blog edgy, bohemian, classic, homey?
If you can’t afford a designer, use a pre-designed blog theme or template. Find one that speaks to you and your tribe.
Use a photo with each post. This is non-negotiable. Recent studies show that photos create more engagement. Don’t ever steal pics. Buy stock footage images or use free public domain images from sites like Wikimedia.
5. You are building a tribe not followers.
My first thought whenever someone asks me how to get more followers is that it’s not about the numbers. It’s about having the right people who are into you. It’s about tribe building and engagement.
For example, I give advice on lots of talk shows. The people who follow me online from those shows are not necessarily my ideal tribe member. They might be into the fact that I am on TV, but they wouldn’t necessarily be into my inspirational, motivational, and transformational change-your-life content. Know how to create buzz and target the right people. Got it?
6. Pick your Guru Star Medium.
Your DNA may just be suited to a different medium that your best friend’s DNA. If your personality falls flat in videos, try audio. If audio is not your thing, then maybe writing or photography is how you can shine online.
What if you made really funny, thoughtful, or provocative videos with you behind the camera with a voiceover? What if your content wasn’t about you but about your observations?
7. Who are your Guru Sisters?
Share other people’s content. Get to know other content creators. Create a network. Host a weekly chat. Start a meme or hashtag movement.
Don’t be a take, take taker – as in – read my stuff, retweet me. Me, me, me! Who cares about you? Who cares about me? That isn’t the proper way on how to create buzz.
We are all self-interested.
Instead, ask if you can write something for other people’s sites, explaining what you like about their work and what you can offer their audience. Guest blog often and when you do, give people a reason to visit you back at your blog. Offer them a free gift or link to a related post. Then go back to your home blog and respond or follow up. This is an effective way how to create buzz.
8. Tell your story. Then tell it again.
Share your stories and your lessons from it. You get over fear with each act outside
your comfort zone. Volunteer to speak live if this terrifies you and share your journey with your tribe. We innately are attracted to stories and journeys. It’s in our DNA. If you’re on a journey to gain or lose weight, grow your hair, change your diet, or deepen your connection, share it.
Let people get to know you. Let them into your life. Let them see for photos and hear about your foibles. Do you have pets? Allergies? Children?
Whatever your life is, be real about it and others can relate. If you have an unpopular POV, own it. Whether you’re into angels or agnosticism, find the site with your tribe and begin to share yourself. Start in the comments. This is a proven effective way on how to create buzz.
9. Treat every platform differently.
Pick 2 or 3 main platforms and get to know them.
Use “If This Then That” to automate but don’t treat all social media platforms the same. Tumblr is not Twitter. Twitter is not Instagram. Instagram is not Pinterest. Pinterest is not Facebook and Facebook is not your blog.
Figure out what works best for you, your tribe, and your industry.
10. Do something totally different.
Be unique. Maybe your Instagram is all black and white like lovely model turned blogger Erickka Sy Savane. And then of course you want to optimize your posts for search engines and findability. Use tags if you expect people to find you.
Use hashtags – those specific to you, and those that allow you to join the conversation. This is so that people who are looking for your topic can find it! If there is a description area, like on YouTube or Soundcloud, make sure that it’s filled out.
11. Have a consistent programming schedule.
Have an editorial content calendar. Are there holiday or seasonal tie-ins for your topics?
Can your content align with popular memes like #ThrowbackThursday and #WomanCrushWednesday? Maybe if you’re a social issues blogger you have #FlashbackFriday where you share a historical moment.
If you are feeling stuck or stymied, find the trending headline in your niche at the moment and write a reaction to it. What’s your take on the story? You can also write an update post about something you blogged about before and changed your mind on.
12. Make it a conversation, not a dialogue.
Ask your audience what they think. Ask questions. Answer their comments. Give a call to action.
Now you have the foundations for a powerful Guru Platform. I can’t wait to see what you do with
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