“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Hey Lovie,

We all have limiting beliefs when it comes to relationships. These beliefs may come from our childhoods or our direct experiences. They become self fulfilling prophesies when we go forward in the world repeating behaviors that stunt our love growth and keep us stuck in a loop.

The only way to have the relationships we deserve with our ideal partners — big, fat juicy love — is to work on eliminating the limiting core beliefs.

I write about this topic this week on my Mommy Noire Love Class. Common limiting beliefs when it comes to dating and relationships include: All the good men are taken, Everyone lies, All guys cheat, I don’t deserve love, I don’t need anybody and more. We all deserve to have the healthy partnerships of our dreams.

Check out this week’s advice post here: lesson, advice and homework!

What Are Your Core Limiting Beliefs About Relationships?

A belief is only a thought, and a thought can be changed as self-help teacher Louise Hay often says. Beliefs can be changed with specific healing modalities like emotional freedom technique and neuro-linguistic programming.

Don’t forget to stop by Your Tango where this week I am a part of a story, “27 Signs That He’s A Keeper.”

More Passionate Living!