Ayesha Ophelia – African Goddess Initiation Day 20
Hey Goddess,
This is what the African Goddess Initiation Summer Fest 2021 is all about! You are being called forth to reclaim who we really are – as women worldwide. You now must remember what we know in our bones and arteries. You are sacred.
Will you join us? You know this is for you if this message found you. The rebirth has already begun.
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Today’s Goddess Guru is Goddess Ayesha Ophelia.

Ayesha Ophelia, the Girlfriends Guide
What does “goddess” mean to you, Ayesha?
How would you describe an empowered goddess?
Is there a goddess that you relate to?
Kali, Oshun, the women in my ancestry. Is there an odd ball goddess who is creative, imaginative, and spunky. Still learning.
African Goddess Initiation Fest celebrates the divine feminine powers of the African Diaspora. How do you describe your heritage or home?
What magic are you most excited about sharing right now?
Private coaching services
My clients are capable, cool, creative humans who see the power of working closely with a support system to effect change in their lives. My clients are mothers, CEO’s, actresses, musicians, and women and men in transition.
What do you want people to know right now?
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About Ayesha Ophelia