Welcome to this week’s Womanifesting Wednesday with Hay House, a solar eclipse meditation for manifesting with crystal singing bowls. 

::::Be sure to join me 2pm EST weekly Wednesdays for Womanifesting Wednesday on the Hay House social channels and Sundays at 11am for Goddess Temple Sunday @AbiolaTV!

In Enter your Goddess Temple, my new Hay House audio program, I offer you teachings on your seven inner temples and specific goddesses associated with each temple.

–>Click here to register free now.



Crystal Bowl Meditation for Worry, Anxiety & Regrets

[YouTube Video Link]


Be sure to check out the Divine Feminine Mid Year Review. Plus, come hang with me at several virtual tour events. Find me at the Yoni Arts Festival and the No More Scarcity Summit.


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Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Meditation for Worry, Regrets and Anxiety Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Meditation for Worry, Regrets and Anxiety