Success leaves clues. As any successful person if they reflect on their past year to learn to lessons and they will say yes! Let’s get into. 

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Hey Goddess,

Last month I was a speaker at Bob Proctor’s Modern Day Millionaire Conference and it was an incredible experience.

The best part was getting to talk with the incredible women — and men — who were in my audience afterward. I mentioned doing a life review and the power of reflection, and afterward a woman named Naomi asked me how I reflect.

Here are some questions that I think you should ask yourself. These are a powerful end of year review, but they’re really good for anytime when you need to reflect, reset and move forward even more in alignment with your purpose and your joy.

I hope that you find it helpful!

Start by taking an hour to yourself to go over the questions — and then it’s time to take inspired action. If you want to 10x your life for the new year, JOIN US at and let’s make some magic happen.

If you have already registered to join me in Bali at, then the ManifestYourYear Program is a bonus for you! This will make all the difference for you creating your best year ever. Don’t go into the new year feeling helpless if your life doesn’t match how you think it’s supposed to be. No need- we’ve got the blueprint for your happiness!

Let’s kickstart your progress by reflecting on the NINE key areas of your beautiful life:


  • What Did I Learn In This Year? What Did I Achieve In This Year?
    How Does This Make Me Feel?
  • What Did I Learn From Failure And Success?
    What Am I Proud Of?
  • Where Am I Balanced And Unbalanced In My Life?
  • What Do I Want To Improve In Next Year?
  • What Do I Want To Achieve in Next Year?
  • What Were My 5 Biggest Strengths?
  • What Are My 3 Weaknesses That I Can Improve To Perform Better?
  • Am I Happy About My Result?
    What Am I Not Happy About And Why?
  • How Can I Make It Better?

Lifestyle Expert Abiola Abrams - Amethyst Crystal Healing
1. My Health

  • Did my overall health improve in the past year?
  • Did I gain or lose muscle or fat in the past year?
  • Was my eating healthy or unhealthy as a habit?
  • How many times did I workout every week? Did I improve my flexibility, movement or stamina? Did I follow my health plan?
  • Is my body getting the nutrition I need? Did I feel younger or older?
  • How did I deal with stress and anxiety? How was my mental health?
  • What is my health goal for the new year?

2. My Community

  • Who are the 5-10 people I spent the most time in the past year?
    • Are they making your life better or worse?
    • Are they mostly negative or positive? Do they lift you up or bring you down?
    • Are these people big thinkers or small thinkers?
    • Is your love for each other conditional or unconditional?
    • How much do they earn monthly/yearly? Are they working on themselves daily to improve themselves and their lives?
  • Did I make new, positive friends who inspire me to be better, dream bigger and rock my life?
  • How can I improve my community in the new year?

3. My Spirituality

  • Did I feel in alignment with my purpose this past year?
  • Am I “doing” my passion and following my desires?
  • Did I make time to meditate?
    How can I make meditation and mindfulness more a part of my life in the new year?
  • Was I at peace with myself this past year?
  • Did I make time to connect with the Universe/God?
  • Do I feel happy enjoying my own company?
    How can I feel more happy with myself in the new year?
  • Do I have faith or worry too much?
    Do I act from a place of love or fear?
  • Did I follow my intuition and my heart? How can i do this going forward?
  • Am I spending quality time in nature?
  • Am I happy in the present? Do I feel grateful for the small things?
  • Was I in the present or in my mind? How can I be more present going forward?
  • What daily habits can I create to be more connected and aligned?
  • What empowering new habits can I make for the new year?

4. My Personal Development

  • Did I love myself this past year? How did I practice self-love?
  • Which personal development gurus inspired me? How can I participate more in their work in the new year?
  • What books did I read (or listen to) that made an impact in my life? Am I reading the right books to help me achieve my goals and objectives? What empowerment events or seminars did I attend? What motivational coaches, lessons and classes helped me to be better?
  • How do I inspire myself?
  • Who did I learn the most from?
  • What do I want to learn in the new year?

Abiola Abrams

5. My Prosperity

  • Am I in alignment with my abundance?
  • Do I have a prosperity mindset or a scarcity mindset?
  • Am I well compensated for my gifts, work and services?
  • How did I manage my money?
  • Did I save, invest, invest back in my spiritpreneur business? Did I have a plan?
  • Did I give to charities and causes i believe in?
  • What is my plan for the new year?
  • Am I making my money work for me?
  • Do I feel comfortable with my current financial situation? What new money habits do I need to develop in the new year?

6. My Spiritpreneur Business Vision

  • Am I in alignment with my purpose, passion and pleasure?
  • How did I follow my spiritpreneur business plans, goals, and objectives?
  • Do I treat my work as a hobby or business?
  • Did I meet my objectives? How to I judge my success?
  • What business skills do I want to learn in the new year?
  • What business objectives do I want to achieve in the new year?

7. My Relationships

  • Did I feel loved? By whom?
    How did I show love to my partner, family and friends?
  • Did I spend quality time with the people I care about?
  • Did I easily forgive myself and others? What do I want to release before the new year?
  • What do I want to improve in my relationships in the new year?
  • What goals and objectives to I have regarding my loved ones in the new year?
  • How can my relationships be more fulfilling?

8. My Emotions

  • Did I have a strong mental and emotional experience?
  • Was I mostly in a positive or a negative state?
  • Did I spend most of my time being grateful, focusing on my blessings, helping others?
  • Did I spend most of my time shaming, blaming, complaining, living in fear and thinking negative thoughts?
  • Am I concerned with what other people thing?
  • What emotions do I want to feel in the new year?

9. My Positive Habits

  • What daily habits help me create a better life and business?
  • What negative habits are holding me back?
  • What new empowering habits can I create?

Abiola Abrams Wendy Credle


10. Commitment:

  • What am I committed to changing in my life?
  • Do I need a mentor or coach?
  • What actions I am willing to talk daily and RIGHT NOW to evolve?
  • What is YOUR BIG WHY to improve your life?

–> If You Are Serious About Creating An Amazing 2017 Get Yourself A Success Planner at And Make All Your New Year Resolutions A Reality 😉

Please Share With Others  If This Helped You…

P.S. This is your year!