Learn more about my new book From Imagination to Reality here: https://womanifesting.com/imagination-reality-abdullah-neville-manifesting/


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Here is what Suzy Ashworth had to say about the conversation we had.

I’m bursting with excitement to share this interview with you. Trust me, it’s a gem.

I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with my dear friend Abiola Abrams, an intuitive coach, a master of personal transformation, and the epitome of self-love. Plus, she’s a prolific author and creator of her own oracle decks.

Abiola and I crossed paths through our shared journey with Hay House, and let me tell you, this conversation is pure gold. Abiola’s raw honesty about her rock bottom moment is truly remarkable. If you’re navigating your own dark night of the soul and seeking a glimmer of hope, this interview is for you.

What Abiola does so beautifully is demonstrate, in real time, the incredible journey from rock bottom to blazing trails.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into this episode.


“Life doesn’t stop with one thing to let the other thing happen.”

“Money is a resource and money is wonderful. Money is fun. Money is amazing. Money is sexual and all of the above.”

“You can only bring people as far as you’ve gone yourself.”

“Trust, belief, faith are all sisters. They’re all, you know, different sides of a multi dimensional coin.”


12:47 So, folks, whoever is listening, whatever you are going through, there will be a moment where, if you do the work, there will be a moment where you can look back and say, you know, that was not my most shining moment. And here’s what I learned from it. And thank goodness it happened.

16:30 I was living in the story also that as a creative person, that I was just a spiritual person, that I was destined to be poor and broke because I was a starving artist, because I was a spiritual person, a spiritual teacher.

32:09 To be able to connect with your ancestors, bringing your intuitive gifts and intuitive guidance and allowing yourself to have access to your ancestral wisdom is a tremendous and wonderful gift. We Are still living out the prayers that someone whose name we may never know prayed for us. And how magnificent to be able to connect with that energy.

Faith + Action = Miracles

Suzy Ashworth is a Quantum Transformation and Embodiment Coach for conscious entrepreneurs, an international keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur, author, and a single mum of three. Her vision is to raise the vibration of humanity through helping people consciously create freedom, joy, and abundance through sharing the secrets of how to tap into the frequency of Infinite Receiving. www.suzyashworth.com

Infinite Receiving is a philosophy that will bring you more love, more trust, and more resilience. When you learn how to create, allow and receive consistently, you can have anything you want.

This book is for you, if you know you have powerful gifts to share with the world. You’re meant to do AHH-MAZING things. But you feel like you’re holding back. Something’s missing. You’re doing #AllTheThings, but not seeing the success and impact you know you’re capable of creating.

This book will increase your ability to receive more, redefine your relationship with wanting, and teach you to be THE most accomplished master manifestor across all areas of your life.

By following the four pillars of Infinite Receiving, you can attract much more into your life, including-

Sovereignty- Take ownership of your spiritual and inner authority, and lead with integrity and personal power.
Infinite possibilities- Trust yourself and believe you are worthy. Allow yourself to open up and create space to receive beyond your wildest dreams.
Community- Cultivate a supportive culture in any space you step into. When we come together, we all rise.
Embodiment-Become adept at taking yourself out of your mind and into your body and heart. You will talk the talk and walk the walk.

Upgrade your reality, find abundance, success and freedom by tuning in to the frequency of infinite receiving.