Do you want to upgrade your business to High Ticket Coaching and premium sales? Here is the abundance mindset shift needed for your coaching business…

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High Ticket Coaching & Premium Sales Mindset Shift

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High Ticket Coaching Mindset Transcript

This video is going to be short because I am wiped. I just came from an amazing, high energy Webinar called the visibility breakthrough webinar for this upcoming program. And people were asking different questions, um, in the comments about the pricing. And so many people were thanking me because this is going to be at this point, my least expensive program where I am working with you and involved. So I have, I have some programs, several programs that are inexpensive, very, very inexpensive like coaching business in a box kit, author by author in a box kit, social media in a box kit, et cetera.

Very inexpensive programs. But those are DIY programs. The more that people are paying and investing, the more, more high touch it is. Meaning the more that I get a chance to be able to work with them and help them to, uh, create change in their lives. So if you are wanting to create a premium program and high ticket program, how do you do that? The first thing you’ve got to fix is your mindset. A lot of people, including me, when you start out, are terrified and feel like if you raise your rates and you have a high ticket business and high ticket offerings, you’re going to turn people off. People aren’t going to want to listen to you and nobody’s going to buy.

Let me share this with you. It is no harder to sell or no easier depending if it is a $10,000 program or if it is $8,000 or $500 program. It just depends on who it is that you are selling. So you want to make sure that you are, if you’re wanting to do high ticket and premium work, that you’re solving an urgent top of the mind issue. Because if I’m your soulmate client, I want to get your solution to my problems. That’s what I want. I don’t want coaching. I want your solution. If you’re a consultant, a coach, a healer, I’m a creative guru. Whatever the solution is to my issue, that’s what I want. And I’m willing to invest in it if it’s going to make the quality of my life better. Now, people have a lot of different challenges. Every given person has a number of different challenges, but some of them they want to solve.

Some of them they don’t. So right now, you know, I’ve got a lot of piles of paper around me. Um, because like I said, I am, uh, planning this exciting visibility breakthrough program that’s gonna help people to get seen, um, deal with their mindset stuff and be able to, you know, launch as a micro celebrity in your niche. Then I also have, you know, this is a contract that I was just sent for, um, for next year’s retreat. My past retreats have been to Paris to Bali to Belize this one will be in New York. And I’m partnering with a very famous, uh, partner in New York. And so these are the contracts. So I have a lot of papers around me. If you are a, an organizer or clutter buster, you might look at all these papers and say, Abiola is, is my soulmate client is I can get in there and help her to fix that.

No, I’m not. Cause it’s not something that’s a top of the mind issue and it’s not something that would improve my quality of life. It’s not something that I would pay for.

So you want to make sure that you have the right offer with the right client if you’re wanting to do premium and high ticket sales. The other thing is that you don’t have to wait. Like people think, oh well, you know, I’ve only been in business for three years. I’ve got to wait some amount of time or I’ve got to have some amount of certifications before I can do this. I have never ever, if someone is a coach that I’ve wanted to work with, cause all good coaches have coaches. I’ve never ever asked someone, you know what they have, how long they’ve been in business or what certifications they have.

I look at their results and I look at the testimonials of the people who are working with them and, and I urge you to do the same if you’re wanting to work with me. And I also look at bare offer and I see does this have what I need at this moment? And if it’s an an offering that I’m excited about and I feel it, I’m feeling my bones, I’m like Whoa, this is right for me. It feels juicy. That is what I’m looking for. So you want the right offer lined up with the right person. And so it doesn’t matter. You are enough when you’re saying, I don’t know if I have the right certifications, if I’ve been in business enough, you know, to be able to charge this. You are saying that you don’t think that you’re enough until mindset. It starts with mindset.

You are enough when you declare yourself to be enough and it’s not about just changing the numbers or adding a zero to your prices. If your mindset is not there, you’re going to starve. Sorry to be dramatic, but you have to get the mindset part of it together. Okay? Get the mindset part of it together and put the offers out there to the right people and make sure that, again, if it’s a premium product that you’re offering, that it really is premium. It really is premium and when you build your business out, you’re going to end up with things at a whole bunch of price ranges. My, excuse me, my affirmation cards, for example, under $20, right under $20 that you could get started with that. My coaching program that I just mentioned, less expensive than any coaching program that I’ve ever sold.

If you are wanting to develop a high ticket business, I urge you to think about your lifestyle within it.

Do you want to upgrade your business to High Ticket Coaching and premium sales? Here is the abundance mindset shift needed for your coaching business...

So for example, um, if you, if you have an income goal of, for for math ease, I’ll say $10,000 a month. Um, if your income goal is $10,000 a month and you’re selling 10, you know, if you want to sell crystals and these are, this is way more than a dollar. But again, let’s just make math easy. If you’re going to sell amethyst stones, if you’re going to sell crystals, right? Um, and say you were selling them for a thousand each and you had to somehow drum up or call in, welcome in attract magnetized 10,000 clients, that’s 10,000 people whose energy you’ve got to deal with. They’re not going to be less demanding because they’re paying a dollar. I am found that when I first started out and I was charging a lot less, the clients weren’t easier to get and they were not the best clients.

They were not dedicated. People who invest more are more inspired to take action. They are, they’re amazing clients. They are amazing. They’re focused, they show up, they do what they say that they’re going to do. You know, and it changed my business. So either you have these 10,000 people or so you have $1,000 coaching program author. So you get 10 people versus 10,000 people. You want to deal with 10 people or you want to deal with 10,000 or one person. So if you’re wanting to deal with people, work with people one on one, you know, like my one on one coaching starts easily at that rate. Then you’re dealing with one person a month for the same exact thing, 10,000 people who would be calling you, emailing you, you know, harassing you or one who would do the same, who would show up and do what they say that they’re going to do.

So just think about that. Think about how you want to structure your business. And the other thing that is really key is make sure that you have invested in yourself and your business at the level that you are wanting others to invest in you. If you have not invested in a high ticket coach yourself and you now are attempting to put high ticket programs out there, it’s going to be out of alignment. People aren’t going to feel it. Nobody’s going to buy it because it’s not going to ring true. It wasn’t until I made high ticket coaching, investing in myself and you know, got to work with, you know, amazing people and showed up and did the work and was the kind of client that I want to attract that I started to be able to attack, attract those high ticket clients. Are you the kind of client that you want to attract or are you still signing up for all kinds of freebies that you don’t even open? Be seen, be heard. Be a movement.


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High Ticket Coaching: The Abundant Mindset Shift for Premium Pricing

High Ticket Coaching: The Abundant Mindset Shift for Premium Pricing