New Moon Check from the Divine…

A universal law of abundance check for manifesting abundance and bringing yourself into alignment with your blessings using the Law of Abundance and Law of Attraction and other spiritual laws. Money is energy — so invite it info your life.

Photo from our full moon sister circle at my Abundance Pray Love Goddess Retreat in Bali, Indonesia.

Here is the info on the latest magical goddess retreat — come home a new you! 

new moon check fro the universe - law of attraction

New Moon Check Audio Instructions

[Soundcloud Audio Link]

How to Write a New Moon Check to Manifest Money

  1. You may have seen a similar process in the movie “The Secret”. You can make the check for money or an abundance of health, love, joy or whatever you want to invite in. These instructions are specifically about manifesting money.
  2. You can always see the new moon schedule at
  3. We are using new moon energy because the new moon is about inviting in and the full moon is about letting go.
  4. What is your intention for this money ritual? Start from a positive and loving place of belief. Raise your vibration and energy to bring you into alignment with the sacred energy of abundance. Remember that the energy of not having is very different from the energy of having.
  5. Start with a meditation to clear your mind.
  6. Clear your space with white sage or the incense of your choice. You may choose to mist the air with Florida Water.
  7. Turn on music that gets you in the mindset of creating and receiving.
  8. Use a pen that makes you fee good about this abundance ritual. Some recommend a green pen, but I personally use a purple crown chakra pen.
  9. Write your new moon check within 24 hours of the new moon out to yourself. Use my Womanifesting new moon check from the Universe below [check download link] or blank check from your own checkbook.
  10. You can put a specific amount or write in “Paid in Full.”
  11. You can anoint your checks with your own abundance oil.
  12. You can do a candle ritual with a green candle or candles to represent money or red root chakra candles. You can also use 3 [trinity] white tea light candles.
  13. You can put an actual date on the check or write NOW, as the power is always in the present moment.
  14. Make it fun. Be in the energy of joy and abundance alignment.
  15. You can sprinkle with abundance herbs such as cinnamon.
  16. You can sign it “Universal Law of Abundance” or with your own choice of deity.
  17. In the “Memo” space, you can just write “Thank you” or what the money is for.
  18. You may want to start off with a small amount in your comfort zone.
  19. Keep your abundance check private. Share only with like-minded people who wish you the best. You don’t need the fears and energy of other people in your spiritual practices.
  20. What to do with the new moon check?
    • Put the check on your altar or sacred space with abundance crystals.
    • You can also put it into your wallet with other money to raise your vibrational energy.
    • You can also put your new check from the Universe on your vision board!
  21. Pay attention to the manifestations. Look for unexpected money.
  22. Mentally spend your abundance check many times throughout the day.
  23. On the next new moon or full moon, burn (safely), bury, flush or happily release the check after endorsing it as you would a regular check and release the check.
  24. Then next New Moon — write a NEW new moon check.
  25. Receive, receive, receive. YAY!
  26. Come hang in my Facebook Sister Circle and inspire your goddess sisters with your magic. [link]


Priestess of Power Belize Retreat 2023

Unblock My Money Blocks Challenge and Free CourseClick here to learn more about the Unblock My Money Challenge and Mini-Course

[YouTube Video Link]

abundance course - law of attraction

Click here to learn more about the Unblock My Money Challenge and Mini-Course
