I am inviting you to join me for African Goddess Initiation Summer Fest 2021! African Goddess Initiation Summer Fest is a global goddess gathering of women like you and me, around the world to embody our divine power. Did you catch day one with Goddess Anita Kopacz?
::::Check it out free at AfricanGoddessClub.com 
Connecting with your goddess power is about connecting with your self, mind, body and Spirit. I created the African Goddess Initiation Summer Fest in celebration of my brand new Hay House book, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy(on sale now).
Dress like a goddess, tag me and join us! 


Antranette Doe, Womb Priestess

African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy

Hey Goddess,

Twenty years ago when I held goddess circles in my East Harlem living room, folks thought I was a weirdo. (Still do!) And no one knew what I was talking about. But here we are now. The feminine divine has been buried, hidden, and burned, but still we rise. And African spiritual philosophies have been demonized and belittled.
But again, here we are now.

This is what the African Goddess Initiation Summer Fest 2021 is all about! You are being called forth to reclaim who we really are – as women worldwide. You now must remember what we know in our bones and arteries. You are sacred.

Will you join us? You know this is for you if this message found you. The rebirth has already begun.

Sign up free at: AfricanGoddessClub.com

I invited about 20 power-filled goddess mystics, many of whom are featured in my new book, to share their knowledge with you.
Antranette Doe is featured in the book, African Goddess Initiation.

Today’s Goddess Guru is Goddess Antranette Doe.

African Goddess initiation Fest Festival

Antranette Doe, Sensual Womb Influencer

What does “goddess” mean to you, Antranette?

Goddess is All. She encompasses all of existence from the beginning to the end and All of the Unknown. She holds all Miracles and the Divine Support for which we Desire Most and She wants It for Us All. She is Love incarnated through the face of every woman. She governs the axis of our very existence. To call yourself a Goddess is to Call forth the Love that Hallows every living thing, in every cycle of every life. It is to Be the Blessing of Her and to Surrender to her Beckoning for the Greatest Good in Faith. It is to be completely in Service to Her within and Her for which we can not see but see in All Living Things. Ase’

How would you describe an empowered goddess?

A woman who is an Empowered Goddess, is a woman who is devoted to the expression of Sovereignty within herself; all in her sphere of influence and the world. She understands The Power runs through her and she can connect with this Source Power at any time, within her feminine form and magik; she practices containment of this Power through her Devotion and in this way, she is able to surrender, relax and answer the beckoning of the Goddess Supreme within Her and All around for guidance, miracles and right action concerning her personal desires and Queendom. She is supported by the Miracle Stream of the Goddess. There are many paths to nourishing and living an Empowered Goddess Lifestyle. I found my personal Path to Power through Sensual Womb Goddess Ancestral Devotion and Alchemy and by allowing for my natural cycles and Her’s. Ase’.

Is there a goddess that you relate to?

Yeye Oshun ooo and Mother Yemaya

African Goddess Initiation Fest celebrates the divine feminine powers of the African Diaspora. How do you describe your heritage or home?

Black American

What magic are you most excited about sharing right now?

I am currently promoting my Womb Goddess Temple Sister Socials, which are free gatherings online and in-person intending to weave connection and community for women called to my field and Temple opening in the dark season.

I’m also promoting my Womb Immersions for women who desire to connect and live from their womb center, holy and wholly; both physically and alchemically. In these sessions, I channel, transmit, bless and offer divine guidance and solutions that will nourish harmony in their feminine energy system through living from Womb Source, Divine Love and Miracle Energy and Cyclic Womb Goddess Energies with the support of Nature’s Medicine; blood Ancestral Mothers and thee Mother Goddess Spirit of All–HER. Mother Goddess energy presents through the Deity, Saints, Guides, Goddesses, and Archetypes that are specific to the spiritual court, chosen of their own Feminine Soul and what is necessary at the time for Feminine Wholeness. I call in Wisdom from their Higher Self, Womb Spirit, and Feminine Organs for the ultimate Womb Goddess experience. Women come to me for private Devotionals in areas of physical womb wellness, fertility and loss, pregnancy and postpartum support, and Womb Goddess Alchemy to create the life they desire. I specialize in connecting women with their soul babies ready to come and serve a plan to bring them in, and those who have entered the realms and in need of divine support and Blessing for healing, wholeness, and resolve for all involved. The initial Immersion session is usually 2.5 hours, I ask that each woman desiring this experience to clear 3 hours for intention setting, prayer, and digestion.

What do you want people to know right now?

WOMB GODDESS: FEMINININE DIVINATION, WELLNESS AND ALCHEMY – https://antranettedoe.com/womb-goddess-life-way/
Our Womb is a living cosmic center full of life-giving energy, it’s our privilege to tend to Her garden as She is the utter reflection of our lives; offering divine guidance, holy wholeness, and pleasure. She has always been here, as she mirrors the Great Cosmic Womb of the Universe for which we are all held; tuning in to Her energies harmonize the feminine system and ultimately divinely sources our lives in a wealth of Blessings. As a Womb Priestess, Practitioner and Devotee, I am here to support this connection, devotion, alchemy, and your personal Womb Goddess Lifeway.

About Antranette Doe

Goddess Antranette is best known for being a spiritual womb whisper, womb ancestral alchemist, and honey muse. She spent the past eight years offering spiritual womb services as a Womb Ancestral Priestess and Practitioner, transmitting womb medicine, womb wisdom, and teaching sacred sensuality. She received a formal education at The University of Pittsburgh, where she earned a Bachelor of Social Work, and subsequently served in Child Maternal Public Health. She is a certified Yoni Steam Practitioner, Omo Oshun Priestess in Yoruba Tradition, and is currently studying to gain her certification as a Sacred Fertility Specialist and Moon Mother.   She enjoys expressing herself as a Sensual Womb Influencer, Model, and Blogger where she shares her personal Womb Goddess lifestyle through sensual modeling, ambassadorship, writing, poetry, and oral transmission online. She plays on the intersection of sexuality, sensuality, and spirituality with a focus on nourishing the womb and living according to womb goddess cycle syncing. She is dedicated to living the Miraculous and Eros, in the fullness of life itself. She’s supported by her adoring husband and children, nestled in the suburbs of D.C. Follow Goddess Antranette on Instagram @goddess_antranette, and reach her for all business and spiritual service inquiries at adoe@antranettedoe.com.

About the African Goddess Initiation Summer Fest 2021

Here’s how this free virtual event will unfold:   
From this Monday July 12th to August 1st, we will dance daily in the realism of the goddesses.
For the first 9 days, I will be going live on Facebook and Instagram — @HayHouse and @AbiolaTV.
PLUS every day you will be give another goddess lesson from the mystics I interviewed.
When you sign up at AfricanGoddessClub.com, you will also receive a free Goddess Initiation Self-Love Starter Kit.

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African Goddess initiation Fest Festival