Photo: Ann Davies |
Passionista Principle: Sometimes the strongest thing to do is not holding on– but letting go.
Hey Rockstars,
One of the most crushing things is to realize that somebody doesn’t want you in the same way you want them. To break it down to high school terms, “they don’t like you-like you.” Of course this question is easily turned around as, “What Do You Do When She Doesn’t Like You?”
Relationships ending are a sad part of life. The most helpful way to think about it is, consider your life as a play or movie. Some characters ride with you from beginning to end and some characters are only in your story for a few scenes or an act.
Either way, Pink said it best, “So what, you’re still a rock star!” Kiss your wounds. Learn from the breakup experience. Go through the stages and move on. You have new memories to make.
Now what if the heartbreak took place before you even got to relationship status? It happens. Keep reading. These tips on moving on can still help you too. Make a Beach Bucket List and commit yourself to learning to be happy.
Help! What do you do when they don’t want you? by Ann Davies
Forced to be alone you find yourself at the “what do you do when he doesn’t want you” stage.
Stage One. Talk:
Speak to your mum, sister anyone who will listen! As we are all aware, acceptance is the first step, usually this is associated with grieving or coming to terms with addictions and issues. Losing hold of a relationship holds similar emotions. As soon as you are able to process that it is over the quicker you will be able to start moving forward. So, talk it out, go through it all and retrace your steps of what went wrong. Once this has been exhausted you will reach one of two conclusions.
- I couldn’t have done any more. You tried your best and worked hard at the relationship. But, he doesn’t want you. So, why do you want him? The answer to this is: You do not want him. These results are clear, why on earth would you want someone who can not appreciate your best efforts? Time to start moving forward…
- I messed up. You were too jealous, over-bearing, you cheated, made little effort. There are many ways to taint a relationship and you may have contributed towards its demise. However, you remain strong in feeling that you were still wanting him, so why doesn’t he want you? At this point, make a note of what went wrong, why it happened and what you could do in the future. Powered with the knowledge of what