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the secret movie quote

Metaphysical Movie Night!

Join me this Friday at 7pm EST to watch The Secret.

Listen Here Now

[Audio Link]


Here is how to participate!

  1. If you do not have Netflix, you may watch on YouTube — but Netflix will give you the best experience!
  2. If you already have Netflix, open your Google Chrome browser. (If you do not have Chrome, here is the link to download it: https://www.google.com/chrome/)
  3. Then, if you already have Netflix, download and install the free Netflix Party extension at NetflixParty.com on the Google Chrome browser.
  4. Here is the link to our Netflix “party room,” where we can chat and watch the movie together: https://www.netflix.com/watch/70063484?npSessionId=bfaf53761b3cb064&npServerId=s85
  5. IMPORTANT: When you click the link, look on the top right of your Chrome browser and you will see a red NP icon, which stands for Netflix Party. Click it.
  6. You’re in! We will watch and chat at 7pm EST this Friday, April 3, 7pm EST.
  7. To watch the bootleg on YouTube here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCGdWTK92wY&feature=youtu.be

the secret

How to Use Netflix Party