Happy Full Moon, Goddess~
This strawberry full moon energy is a great time to release self-judgment…
I hope that you had a great weekend whether you celebrate Father’s Day or not.
We didn’t have a Goddess Temple Sunday session as I was celebrating with my Dad — so I look forward to sharing with you the experience of shooting my awesome talk show pilot soon.
I was speaking to one of the beautiful goddesses who is a life coach and attending the Goddess of Paris Retreat next month.
She purchased the VIP Plan so she was super excited because I told her that she also gets the Spiritpreneur Guru Academy as a bonus.
She said, “well, I wish that I could be super organized like you and get things done…”
Super organized? Like whom?
Like ME? Um…No, ma’am.
In this Instagram glossy world where everybody is living for likes, it’s important to be REAL.
Don’t compare anybody’s highlight real to your every day.
I am functionally organized.
I set systems in place to support my natural tendency toward being a happy, creative mess.
I shared with her that I had only JUST purchased my plane ticket to France last week — although obviously I announced the retreat in February/March.
Yes, I just purchased my plane ticket to my own retreat.
Why? Dragging my feet because my niece’s birthday party AND my sister’s bday party are the weekend before we leave. And I expected it all to miraculously work out in my brain.
But such is life…
Everyone is a mess in their own way.
Everyone is just figuring life out.
They may be one or two steps ahead of you, but no one has life more figured out than anyone else.
We are all just doing the best we can.
So I am sharing with you like I shared with her — just let your best be enough.
You are only in competition with yourself.
Do better today than you did yesterday and you are winning.
You got this.
Even when you don’t.
This Summer Solstice Friday at 6:30pm EST on