Goddess energy encompasses our entire feminine experience: It’s wild and messy, yet regal and wise. Stormy and fierce, but nurturing and loving. Mystical and creative, yet grounded and discerning. It’s an energy that we—and our planet—have been missing for a very long time.
You see, for millennia, our feminine goddess power has been suppressed. Generations of women have been convinced by the patriarchy that they’re not powerful. And these lies have carried into how we show up today.
If you ever doubt your own greatness or feel like an impostor in your own life…
If you “followed their rules” and you’re still unhappy…
If you are not living a life that makes you feel joyful and alive…
The time is now to reclaim your feminine power—on your own terms—by working with the divine energies of the African goddesses.
The truth is that you—no matter your age or heritage—have divine goddess energy within you. But if yours has been stifled like it has for so many women, you’re likely living as a shadow of your true, magnificent self. You keep yourself small to keep people happy. You shy away from conflict because you don’t want to seem brash. You don’t set boundaries that are necessary for your health.
But with the help of the goddesses, you can reawaken your personal power by invoking their extraordinary qualities in your life—and when you do this, you can craft the life you were meant to live and live up to your full potential.
In this online course, you’ll embark on a sacred healing journey—filled with ancient rituals and transformational practices—to ignite the goddess within, with the help of 7 incredible African goddesses.
- 7 magnificent goddesses who will help you reclaim your sacred feminine power—resulting in you feeling more alive, on purpose, fulfilled, and healed of past wounds
- Deep exploration of each goddess’s rich ancestry and legends so that you can form a deep, lifelong relationship with each deity
- Profound goddess meditations to connect to each goddess’s energy
- Powerful ancient goddess rituals to invoke the 7 sacred goddess gifts in your life—including creative power, self-expression, self-love, and more
- Step-by-step guidance to create your own unique Goddess Soulbook, a visual reference book to record your personal wisdom, insights, and magic that will support your transformation
- Three incredible BONUS gifts, including two LIVE group coaching sessions with Abiola, the wildly popular Goddesses of Abundance Circle event recordings, and a premiere meditation to discover YOUR goddess name
Benin Goddess Nana Buluku’s Message…
Ób’ókhían! Welcome home, daughter. I have been waiting for you. You have been waiting for you too.
Don’t be in a hurry. There are no shortcuts on this trip. Allow yourself to become present, maybe for the first time. You have entered a new cycle that is very old. Many have held the door open for you.
Lesson 1 :
Your journey begins in The Temple of Ancestors with Benin goddess Nana Buluku, the goddess of new cycles. In this temple—associated with the root chakra—you’ll learn how to embrace new cycles by working with Nana Buluku’s powerful cosmic energy. You will:
- Become deeply rooted and grounded by amplifying the energy of your first chakra, the basis of your life force energy
- Connect with the energy of Goddess Nana Buluku through a powerful grounding meditation
- Invoke this goddess’s sacred gift of birthing new cycles by learning how to honor her, including her symbols and auspicious times
- Learn Nana Buluku’s Sacred Womb Bowl Ritual to release your issues to the womb of Spirit and begin a new life chapter
Lesson 2 :
Your journey continues in The Temple of Conjurers with Ashanti/Akan goddess Ngame. In this temple—associated with the sacral chakra—you’ll learn how to create your world through the art of desire and manifestation by working with Ngame’s creation energy. You will:
- Tap into your creative and fertile power by strengthening the energy of your second chakra
- Connect with the creation energy of Goddess Ngame through a divine manifesting meditation
- Call in this goddess’s sacred gifts of desire and manifestation by learning how to honor her, including her special offerings and sacred symbols
- Discover Ngame’s Water Whisperer Ritual to clear any negative energy blocking your manifesting power so you can birth what you want
Lesson 3 :
Now you’ll enter The Temple of Warriors with Yoruba/Nigerian goddess Oya. In this temple—associated with the solar plexus chakra—you’ll learn how to confidently stand in your power and weather personal storms by working with Oya’s warrior-goddess energy. You will:
- Own your fierce feminine-warrior power by enhancing the energy of your third chakra
- Connect with the resilient energy of Goddess Oya through a resilience-building meditation
- Integrate this goddess’s sacred gift of weathering inner and outer storms by learning how to honor her, including her music and distinctive colors
- Learn Oya’s Spice of Life Ritual to realign with your ancestral power
Lesson 4 :
Here you’ll arrive at The Temple of Lovers with Yoruba/Nigerian goddess Oshun. In this temple—associated with the heart chakra—you’ll learn how to love every part of yourself and your experience by working with Oshun’s revolutionary love energy. You will:
- Open yourself to fully giving and receiving love by unleashing the energy of your fourth chakra
- Connect with the sweet, loving energy of Goddess Oshun through a heart-expansive meditation
- Call in this goddess’s sacred gifts of self-love and vulnerability by learning how to honor her, including her symbols and personal offerings
- Learn Oshun’s Self-Love Sweetening Jar Ritual to invoke your deep, unconditional self-love
Lesson 5 :
Your journey continues in The Temple of Griots with Dogon/Mali goddess Yasigi. In this temple—associated with the throat chakra—you’ll learn how to be seen and heard as you want to by working with Yasigi’s self-expressive energy. You will:
- Reclaim your voice and ability to speak up and out by freeing the energy of your fifth chakra
- Connect with the expressive energy of Goddess Yasigi through a self-expression meditation
- Invoke this goddess’s sacred gift of telling your truth by learning how to honor her, including her special colors and sacred symbols
- Discover Yasigi’s Vision Mask Ritual to recover your voice and celebrate your personal evolution
Lesson 6 :
Now you’ll step into The Temple of Queens with Nubia/Egyptian goddess Iset. In this temple—associated with the third-eye chakra—you’ll learn how to tap into infinite, and always available, guidance by working with Iset’s inner-vision energy. You will:
- Tune into divine guidance and access your mental vision by uncovering the energy of your sixth chakra
- Connect with the mysterious, intuitive energy of Goddess Iset through a mystical inner-world meditation
- Integrate this goddess’s sacred gift of spiritual surrender by learning how to honor her, including her music and traditional offerings
- Learn Iset’s Burn and Release Ritual to clear any obstructing energies blocking your inner sight
Lesson 7 :
Your journey concludes in The Temple of High Priestesses with Zulu/South African goddess iNkosazana. In this temple—associated with the crown chakra—you’ll learn how to access higher consciousness and spiritual ecstasy by working with iNkosazana’s divine alignment energy. You will:
- Unblock any resistance to recognizing your true spiritual self by working with the energy of your seventh chakra
- Connect with the transformative energy of Goddess iNkosazana through a metamorphic meditation
- Call in this goddess’s sacred gift of divine alignment by learning how to honor her, including her sacred symbols and auspicious times
- Discover iNkosazana’s Womb Awakening Ritual to remove any resistance to your spiritual awakening
Live Webinars :
Bonus Gift #1 :
You have a name that was imprinted upon the Universe and whispered in the stars throughout the cosmos before you were born. Perhaps you’ve heard it before…on the wind…or in your oracle cards…or on the edges of your mind. This name—your real name—is an extremely potent alchemical code. It is a spell that unlocks and frames your purpose. This is your goddess name. In this mesmerizing meditation, accompanied by the live music of singing bowls, Abiola will guide you to hear your goddess name through the whispers of Spirit.
Bonus Gift #2 :
In this mesmerizing webinar series, hosted by goddess expert Abiola Abrams, you’ll learn how to invite in and work with three powerful goddesses—Hindu Goddess Lakshmi, Roman Goddess Venus, and Egyptian Goddess Iset—to dissolve your blocks to abundance. You’ll learn dedicated rituals and meditations to call in these goddesses’ unique energies to release your obstructions to money, love, magic, and miracles.
- 7 magnificent goddesses who will help you reclaim your sacred feminine power—resulting in you feeling more alive, on purpose, fulfilled, and healed of past wounds
- Deep exploration of each goddess’s rich ancestry and legends so that you can form a deep, lifelong relationship with each deity
- Profound goddess meditations to connect to each goddess’s energy
- Powerful ancient goddess rituals to invoke the 7 sacred goddess gifts in your life—including creative power, self-expression, self-love, and more
- Step-by-step guidance to create your own unique Goddess Soulbook, a visual reference book to record your personal wisdom, insights, and magic that will support your transformation
- Three incredible BONUS gifts, including two LIVE group coaching sessions with Abiola, the wildly popular Goddesses of Abundance Circle event recordings, and a premiere meditation to discover YOUR goddess name