It makes sense that Mother Nature would have everything that we need to heal, right? These 25 plants have been used around the world for generations due to their incredible natural healing properties. The featured photo is of our First Lady Michelle Obama planting the White House garden, by the way. Her book is called “American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America.”
Keep reading to find the healing properties of 15 powerful herbs and plants. The video after the jump is from TEDxFiDiWomen, the esteemed Lissa Rankin reveals “The Shocking Truth About Your Health.” -aa
Greetings Goddess,
Let’s get into natural ways to heal.
Many of today’s pharmaceutical medicines can cause unexpected and unwanted side effects, and come at bank-breaking prices. So it’s worth considering that you don’t need to look further than your garden to find healing if you grow any of these miraculously medicinal plants.
Natural Ways to Heal include:
Widely used in hospitals during World War I, the essential oil in lavender is used to soothe bites, burns and headaches. Bunches of lavender are often used for their pleasant aroma and are also an effective insect repellant.
In vitro studies have shown garlic to have a range of health benefits, given its natural antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. A 2012 study comparing garlic to placebos also indicated that garlic has the potential to significantly lower cholesterol.
As well as being a delicious addition to many meat dishes, rosemary has been recognized for centuries in Italy as a memory enhancer. This may be due to its high levels of iron and vitamin B6. It has also been used to create a tincture known as “Hungary water”, which is said to be effective in treating the symptoms of gout.
The name Salvia, the Latin genus to which sage belongs, comes from the word salvere, meaning to save. This is in keeping with the plants’ healing properties. Modern clinical trials have shown sage to be effective in treating a wide variety of ailments due to its natural antibiotic and antifungal properties.
Known for its charming method of dispersing seeds on wind currents, the dandelion’s wide range of pharmacologically active compounds is often overlooked. Dandelion can be used to treat infections and bile and liver problems, and is a natural diuretic.
The medicinal properties of the Cinchona plant were originally discovered by the Quechua people of Bolivia and Peru, who ground up its bark to halt shivering caused by fever. British colonists discovered that the bark of Cinchona, also known as the “Fever Tree”, contains quinine, a compound known to treat malaria.
The use of this miraculous plant, which is endemic to the Western Cape in South Africa, stretches back hundreds of years. Historically, people have used the plant to treat gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections. Its diuretic and antiseptic properties are due to the plants phenolic compounds. When it comes to natural ways to heal, these compounds also make Buchu an effective anti-inflammatory.
Often used by beekeepers as a source of rich and aromatic honey, the Hyssop plant is known to contain cough-suppressing properties. It’s also a natural source of thujone and phenol, which give the plant antiseptic properties.
Lady Fern.
Lady Fern, also known as Athyrium, grows abundantly in North American forests. It’s known to contain anthelmintics, which expel parasitic worms, and is a powerful natural laxative. Another common use for this ubiquitous fern is to rub a bunch of its leaves over wounds caused by the equally common poison ivy, to help alleviate pain.
Known for the highly fragrant oil that the plant’s leaves exude when crushed, bergamot is also used for its antiseptic properties. The ancient Blackfoot Indians recognized the medicinal value of the plant and used it to make poultices for treating skin infections and minor wounds.
Seneca root.
The root of the Seneca plant, also known by its Latin name Polygala, has been used historically to treat snake bites, respiratory problems, stomach aches and headaches. Its roots contain anti-inflammatory and bronchial diuretic properties.
There is strong scientific evidence to suggest that the chamomile flower possesses anxiolytic properties. In layman’s terms, it helps reduce anxiety. It’s often used as an infusion, to help treat insomnia and stress. When it comes to natural ways to heal, this one rocks.
Bloodroot was traditionally used by Native Americans as an emetic (to bring on vomiting) and as a respiratory aid. The herbaceous flowering plant is also known as bloodwort, due to its use in treating warts.
St. John’s Wort.
St John’s Wort is commonly used as a treatment for depression. Especially in Germany, it’s commonly prescribed instead of stronger pharmaceutical drugs, particularly for children and adolescents. The plant inhibits re-uptake of a specific neurotransmitter. In clinical trials, even patients suffering from major bouts of depression responded to it positively, with half the side effects associated with modern antidepressants.
Thyme is one of the “famous four” herbs, along with parsley, sage and rosemary. The essential oil of thyme can be used as an antiseptic. This is due to its linalool and thymol content. Thymol is the active ingredient in commercially produced mouthwashes like Listerine. Thyme oil is also used to medicate bandages. This is useful in case modern pharmaceutical antiseptic creams cause skin irritation or other unwanted side effects.
This is a guest post by Jeff who advocates the use of medicinal plants. He specifically recommends the buchu products by:
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